Long time no post brothers.
Been having some pain in lower back. Every now and then (rare) I get a sharp shoot pain down right leg.
I couldnt take it one day, for fear it was gonna get worse and made the visit to a chiro.
I have always been leerie and skeptical of chiros.
But I couldnt take it anymore.
After assesing and x-rays. He said and showed ( on x-ray ). 1 hip is obviously higher then ther other.
How common is this?
Is there a cure for problem or just cure for symptoms?
Ive been getting a massage 1x week and will continue to do so.
I am aware my hip flexors are tight.
Would this contribute?
Been soo long since I posted on here, but knew this was the right place to go
I am no expert but relaxation, stretching, foam rolling, heat should be your frequent friends. Imperfections are frequent. The pains says take care of it. Maybe searching on youtube will give you a video tutorial to improve or a google search. When searching sometimes including the word forum is a plus. A yoga teacher might be helpfull. Just with words it is real tough to guide you.
At least 30 min. after being up you can slowly stretch you spine, try to touch your toes with knees locked do about 12 deep breaths gaining very little tidbits at each exhale.
Fallow this by a few breaths going backwards, the opposite directions(to be balanced).
A few breaths stretching your right side, a few your left side.
The order is important.
Than with full inspirations twist to the right, again multiple breaths, than same to the left.
Do not only work your “bad side”.
A hot bath/shower before will help. At least 2 daily plus eating lots of veggies(they are natural relaxant. Also search alkaline foods, they are your friends. Both stifness and pain get worst from acid foods. Best proteins for you lentils, green or waterever.
On floor lye like a cross, bend your knees, let them slowly go to 1 side, multiple breaths, other side.
You might focus on arms, shoulders, claves work plus your rehab.
Squatting, anything compressing your spine is obviously working against any improvement. Lats pulls, chins are welcome.
" just cure for symptoms? "
symptoms are your friends, they warn you so you improve your situation.
A chiro might help but it might be a life commitment if you only rely on 1.
In my case, one hip was higher than the other because my pelvis was twisted. I also had really tight hip flexors, and once I started seeing a massage therapist on a regular basis the asymmetry went away. So if you’re like me, then you’re addressing the source of the problem, not just a symptom and are on the right track. If you don’t think your chiropractor is doing a good job, another form of treatment you could try is osteopathic manipulation; it’s a little like seeing a chiro, a little like seeing a massage therapist. If your looking for stretches you can try searching Kstar’s mobility wod site, I know from personal experience he has a couple of real good hip stretches. Hope this helps some.
In europe some countries have a floor in the hospital for yoga and many options regarded as BS. It is a monopoly in some countries doctors are great others worthless. Pills sure are top killers compared to many other options.
hey man my hip flexors were crazy tight to the point that my lower back and glutes hurt almost everyday, look up agile 8 by joe defeanco it has helped me so much that…i have almost no pain…goodluck man!
Nafnlaus it seems we have very different versions of what a D.O. does or have had very different experiences. In my personal experience when I saw a DO he put everything back into alignment, including my pelvis which was severely twisted. My hip felt like it was on fire because my pevis was twisted so much it was constantly stretching the psoas. Tried PT and saw a chiro but neither really picked up on this or at least had a treatment that helped. I happened upon a DO, made the appointment, and after the first treatment it was like night and day.
They just put everything back into alignment. To me that doesn’t seem too different from what a Chiropractor does. However, it seems that a DO (at least the one I saw) is able to adjust the body without having to apply so much pressure that the joint cracks; the force applied was only the amount needed and no more, so it seems the have more tools at their disposal. Just presenting options to the OP.