Thanx for this exercise, I did it today and intend to concentrate on it for a while. Couple of questions someone may be able to help me with…When I’m firing my hips etc. should I be coming up on tiptoes at anytime during the lift? Is it important to keep the bar in close to my body (like the dude in the pictures) or can I swing it out in front some like a front raise? Thanx…I really like thils exercise.
I haven’t tried the barbell one arm snatch but I do perform the DB one arm snatch. I fire up on my toes after I bring my hips through. To generate the speed necessary to move the weight overhead the movement should resemble a jumping motion. When you jump you explode the hips and the calfs which brings you to your toes. If this is wrong please let me know.
Keep the bar tight to the body - don’t let it swing out. Explode upwards as in the photos fully extended on toes. As you get better you can even perform a full explosion up and heavy stomp on the ground. I hope that helps. In faith, Coach Davies