Hi all, thinking of introducing ZMA into my pre-bedtime routine to help me sleep deeper and raise my T levels. The only thing im concerned about is by raising free Testosterone levels am i going to harm my hair in any way? Doesnt DHT work with free test? Im not sure if im destined to go bald or anything, Im 25 and no-one in my family suffers hairloss (on either side) but i do have very fine blonde hair naturally.
Would introducing Saw Palmetto into the mix help in anyway? Ive heard it inhibits DHT somewhat… In case you cant tell im no expert Im just picking up on things ive read in various sources. I could do with ZMA as I am a poor sleeper genrally…
thanks… i just like to cross all the i’s and dot the t’s
I just wanted to make sure that it wouldnt speed up anything if i happened to be predisposed to it. Like i said i have have very fine hair as it is… :S
On a different note, ive heard saw palmetto is generally usefull for a multitude of things inc prostate. Does anyone know if it has any negative effects on T levels?
You are right. DHT is created by high levels of testoterone. Saw Palmetto is a powerful DHT blocker and also looks after your prostate. So, all round, its a good investment.
If you want something to help you sleep, try 5-HTP, it works very well for me. I capsule 45mins before bed should do the trick.
note: you don’t have to be genetically predisposed to experience hair loss, it can happen to anyone cos its not only caused by genetics. Genetics contributes about 15% of the blame.
The ZMA is mainly to stop me waking up at stupid AM. I also never feel that refreshed in the mornings, i dont think im getting sufficiant slow wave stage 3/4 sleep. I dream alot and wake up around 4am. Sometimes i can get back to sleep, sometimes not. Im after a deep sleep and ive heard ZMA does help that. I have no probs getting off usually.
Im just wondering if combining ZMA with Saw Palmetto might end up cancelling each other out! I will look into that 5-HTP… its a seratonin booster isnt it?
The 5-HTP will definitely help you. It promotes a deeper sleep so you feel alot more refreshed when you wake up.
5-HTP is a precursor (a chemical that is transformed into another compound) of Seratonin so it does boost your Seratonin levels. Thats where the sleep benefit comes from. The elevation of Seratonin reduces anxiety and calms the body for a deep and peaceful sleep.
I’m not too sure if the ZMA and Saw Palmetto will interact. I suggest you post topic asking about it in the “supplements” forum here.