Hair loss

Howdy T-folks, been awhile since I posted, been lurking in the shadows. I’m 23 and have been noticing hairloss for about 3 years. It’s getting thin in the front on both sides. If I can stop or slow it down soon I could live with it. Now what products have my fellow T-men used that were effective without breaking the budget? I’ve searched this sight and the info seems conflicting. If anyone has used a topical or oral that has stopped the hairloss
other than finasteride, I would appreciate hearing about it. Some things I’ve considered are: Nisim shampoo, Nizoral shampoo, and oral Saw palmetto (or does it only block DHT in the prostate). Thanks all, Later!

Saw Palmetto Inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT yes. There’s a product out there called Finaesteride that you should check out. It supposedly works really well. I heard it has some estrogen in it.

I’m 36 with a full head of hair. My brother’s been bald since 20 . .as soon as I saw thinning Iread tons about DHT and the scalp. I started with a shampoo from the Life extension foundation that removed DHT, now use NIZORAL weekly and spray my scalp generously twice a day with ROGAINE. Got that long hair thing going still and love it. Now if I could only nail down that Ultimate warrior look from the neck down too :wink:
Try . . no pun intended but you’ve got nothing to lose hahahahaha
Oh- and you’re right about Saw Palmetto - but a healthy prostate’s a good thing too

I’ve been using finasteride and Rogaine. They work great together. I also take Saw Palmetto, as an added safety net. Now, you can get finasteride cheap by ordering Proscar on the net and cutting it into 4 pieces. Proscar is the same exact thing as Propecia, just a larger dose. Do a search for Proscar on the net, and you’ll find cheap prices, from overseas (which is legal). Rogaine is pretty cheap, lots of people selling it on ebay. I spray that on twice daily.

Propecia/Finesteride is the best option. I started using it and have lost no more hair. in addition I no longer break out at all.
It has no estrogen in it.

Thanks all, you’re input is greatly appreciated. From what everyone says finasteride is pretty much surefire, but I’m mainly interested for the time being in a topical shampoo or none drug oral (for ease of use). Is Nizoral the way to go for shampoo? Are there any other loss inhibitors (not necessarily a growth stimulator) that have worked for you?
Thanks again, Later!

Nizoral would probably be a good starting point. It really didn’t help me though. You may have to deal with unheard of trouble of swallowing one Propecia pill every day…

Has anyone seen any actual regrowth using rogaine or finesteride?

LW, nothing drug free will significantly help with your hair loss. You may want to try, when showering, massaging your scalp very well, and use the coldest water you can stand…this will temporarily increase blood circulation to your scalp, thus resulting in healthier hair growth. But, hair loss is mostly a genetic condition, and without the introduction of drugs, you may not stop thinning…sorry bro! I’ve never tried that Nizoral shampoo, but it’s worth a shot I suppose. If I were you, I would buy Proscar in 5 mg. tablets over the net, and cut it into 4 pieces, and take 1/4 daily…it’s not that expensive if you do it that way. Peace…

I think i better metomorph into an alcoholic instead. That seems to be more accepted and praticed by “normal” people!

Anyone have any knowledge as to whether or not it’s legal to order Proscar into Canada. Funny thing, I got my hair cut yesterday and the Barber wouldn’t show me the crown of my head until I asked. When he showed me…I couldn’t believe how much hair was gone! Finasteride is the option I’m exploring.

if you DO loose it then shave whats left. nothing looks worse than the “Bolten” look. peace

Brock, I’ve had a complete cessation of hair loss and a slight but noticeable regrowth from a combo of finesteride and Nizoral. I’m 29 and I’ve been using Nizoral since I read Michael Mooney’s article in MM2k about a gazillion years ago. The Nizoral I use every time I wash my hair. I use propecia 6mths at a time with a month or so off before starting again.

I’ll continue using the two products but (like all men from the ancient times onwards) I’m still waiting for a real REGROWTH product.