I’m wondering what the recommendation is, for when to take ZMA in conjunction w/ eating cottage cheese before bed - or if it even matters - given what the label says about calcium intake and ZMA
I’m wondering what the recommendation is, for when to take ZMA in conjunction w/ eating cottage cheese before bed - or if it even matters - given what the label says about calcium intake and ZMA
yeah excatly, ive been having the same question, cottage an hour before bed is what everybody recommmanded, but it contains calcium and ZMA wouldn’t work when taking with calcium. That’s why i take just magnesium during the day
Versions of this question, like the creatine questions, are asked almost daily.
The search engine will yield plenty of feedback on this topic. Or, you could probably just scroll down the threads on the supplement section.
just take the cottage cheese an hour before you take the ZMA
I don’t consider this a big deal unless you eat cottage cheese every single night along with your ZMA. It will still work, but it may lessen the benefits.
I’ve had days where I take the two together, and it’s fine. As most days, I usually have something else before bed with the ZMA.
Also, if you eat your cottage cheese an hour or so before bed, then take the ZMA right when you go to bed. I don’t take mine an hour before bed. I take it usually right when I’m going to bed or 20-30 minutes before (if checking messages on the computer or watching a little TV).
I couldn’t find an answer from one of the sites experts - that’s what I’m looking for. I know Chad Waterbury recommends ZMA and of course casein before bed, so I’m hoping he’ll chime in.
[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
I don’t consider this a big deal unless you eat cottage cheese every single night along with your ZMA. It will still work, but it may lessen the benefits.
I’ve had days where I take the two together, and it’s fine. As most days, I usually have something else before bed with the ZMA.
Also, if you eat your cottage cheese an hour or so before bed, then take the ZMA right when you go to bed. I don’t take mine an hour before bed. I take it usually right when I’m going to bed or 20-30 minutes before (if checking messages on the computer or watching a little TV).[/quote]
That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing - a cup or so of cottage cheese about an hour before bed, and then ZMA just before bed. Guess I’ll stick w/ that and see how I feel.
I dunno man, Im sticking to what the experts say and avoiding calcium like the plague with my ZMA. If your really hurting for some protein before bed can’t you just scarf down some eggs or meat?
Actually it’s, take the ZMA 30-45 minutes before bed and then the cottage cheese immediately before bed. The ZMA will absorb in the half hour and thus the calcium won’t interfere with absorption. Plus you want your protien as close to sleep as possible so you have less time in a catabolic state. This is basically what the hundreds of other threads eventually decided upon.
Apparently, contrary to the popular belief, since the zinc and magnesium is chelated, calcium does little to hinder absorption.
Since learning this, and trusting it, I’ve been taking my ZMA with my casein and sucking on boobies at the same time…
then again, I’m mental.
[quote]bry151 wrote:
Apparently, contrary to the popular belief, since the zinc and magnesium is chelated, calcium does little to hinder absorption.
Since learning this, and trusting it, I’ve been taking my ZMA with my casein and sucking on boobies at the same time…
then again, I’m mental.
I like Vegita’s response above also.
There isn’t really much calcium in cottage cheese to worry about, anyway.
You could always take the ZMA an hour before eating the cottage cheese–there’s no reason it has to be taken immediately before bed.
Good points guys - I’m probably being a little to anal here -
[quote]Pats Fan wrote:
Good points guys - I’m probably being a little to anal here - [/quote]
Your other option would be to invest in a good quality protein powder that contains casien and mix it with water instead of milk. Though as others have stated, I think it’s a little over-analyzed by everyone.
V’s answer was right on the mark as for when to take the ZMA/cottage cheese formula
I agree, Its definitely being overanalyzed. However, unlike alot of you, I dont have 30 to 60 minutes of time to spare and wait around for my ZMA to be absorbed to eat something. After I get home at 2 or 3 in the morning, and I immediately scarf down some ZMA, a small piece of protein like a piece of steak,chicken or a hardboiled egg or two, and Im litterally in dreamland about 5 minutes after I walk threw the door. So time is a factor for me. I dunno, eating some calcium contained protein isnt an issue for me when i can grab a piece of meat from the fidge.
When I get home from the gym, I mix up some Surge and I know that has some calcium in it. About an hour later, I have a PW shake, is it “safe” to take the ZMA then? I get home so late from the gym that I’m not sure when a better time would be. Non-training days is no problem. Maybe, like others have said, I’m over-analyzing it and I should just do it and see what happens.
[quote]s2b_stu wrote:
When I get home from the gym, I mix up some Surge and I know that has some calcium in it. About an hour later, I have a PW shake, is it “safe” to take the ZMA then? I get home so late from the gym that I’m not sure when a better time would be. Non-training days is no problem. Maybe, like others have said, I’m over-analyzing it and I should just do it and see what happens.[/quote]
There’s only 30 mg of Ca in Surge. You don’t need to worry about that.
And depending on what you’re using for your shake, it could have anyware from 15% to 50% of your RDA of Ca.
But your stomach usually empties within 30 minutes of drinking it, so again, I wouldn’t worry. If you decide to worry, take your ZMA between the Surge and your shake. Read some of the posts above from last year.