ZMA and Calcium

I’ve got a question about the suggestion on the ZMA bottle about not eating foods containing calcium close to taking the ZMA. I vaguely remember reading about calcium competing with magnesium over the same uptake pathways in the body (and winning). I love having a big bowl of cottage cheese before bed, which is also when I’m supposed to take the ZMA. I’m just wondering how much, if any, that’s negating the benefits of the ZMA.

I’m trying to take the ZMA about 1 hour before I plan on hitting the sack, and then having my cottage cheese right at bedtime. Sometimes I’m out and want to go to bed right when I get home. ZMA is cheap, but should I just skip it and save the pills on nights like this?

Also, what are some other good whole food sources of zinc and magnesium.



You got it just right. Take the ZMA a half to 1 hr befor having your cottage cheese or other bedtime food and you should get the benefits of each.

If you want more explainations on this try a search on the forumn. I dont know how many times we have been over this one.

Hope that helps,


Thanks Phill. I was just too lazy to do the search. And I felt like I’ve already spent too much time this week exploring the new site. I’ll take a look around, though.