ZMA Adventure Lastnite

I’ve been taking Biotest’s ZMA for a while and this has never happened before. About 5 minutes after I took my ZMA before bed, I was sitting at my computer, had to burp, then out of nowhere, magic happened, A GIANT CLOUD OF ZMA COME OUT OF MY NOSE like Puff the Magic Dragon. I have heard of this happening before but this was one of the most uncomfortable things that have happened to me before. I couldn’t see, breath, or even drink water for about 30 minutes. I just want to know if anyone else has had this happen. I’m still taking it btw.

I’m no expert, but drink a full glass of water with it. I have taken ZMA for a while and I keep hearing these stories, but have never experienced it.

Happened to me before, I was half awake and thought I burped smoke, scared the shit out of me… I was thinking I was going to be on one of those spontaneous combustion shows.

happened to me once too - i didn’t drink much water while taking it one night, burped, and poof. learned my lesson; now i always drink a full glass with it!

yeah… they should definately say drink PLENTY of water. any one else have any interesting stories with any other supps?

Holy crap that’s crazy, I’ve never heard those stories before. Between burping smoke and having crazy dreams, ZMA is some freaky stuff.

I had a really nasty BCAA burp right before a workout the other day. I’m popping 20 of those during my workout, and now I’m worried that it’s gonna happen when doing a set of squats or something. Worst burp of my life and literally brought tears to my eyes.

hahaha. that’s crazy. most i’ve had is heartburn after taking it, but I assume that’s from not drinking enough water with it.

i dont think it’ll happen with BCAAs if they are tablet form like Biotest’s but if they are the powder capsule like the ZMA it’s pretty likley they will if you don’t drink them ALL the way down.

Yeah, I’ve had that happen several times with any powder-filled vitamin that didn’t go down all the way. Just drink more water when taking your supps.

I’ve had some pretty nasty fish oil burps after downing 10 in one sitting, stings and gets in your nose and tastes gross.

also you blast concentrated fish at whoever you are talking to

[quote]schultzie wrote:
I’ve had some pretty nasty fish oil burps after downing 10 in one sitting, stings and gets in your nose and tastes gross.

also you blast concentrated fish at whoever you are talking to[/quote]

thats awesome. could come in handy when my supervisor yells at me!!

Freeze your fish oil if you are having nasty burps. I used to get obnoxious burps after fish oil ingestion and freezing has completely stopped this.

How about setting your throat “on fire”? I did that Saturday with an HRX tablet. The sad thing is that I drank 2 cups of water with it and it still didn’t go all the way down. It was worse than a damn habanerjo.

i loved the raspberry flavored burps from HOT-ROX. man, makes me want to take some just for fun.

[quote]schultzie wrote:
I’ve had some pretty nasty fish oil burps after downing 10 in one sitting, stings and gets in your nose and tastes gross.

also you blast concentrated fish at whoever you are talking to[/quote]

I used to get this but not any more, guess I’ve got used to it!

the last time I took ZMA, I had one of the craziest, most vivid dreams ever. I woke up several times, only to fall back asleep and continue the same dream from where I left off. Near the end I was basically dreaming while I was awake. I was also convinced I heard the phone ring and the message machine pick up, and Ironmind say they wanted to speak with me, some woman in an official nasally annoying voice, probably about a product order. When i went downstairs later in the day I asked if there had been a phone message for me- nothing. I imagined it…

Some crazy dreams here also, on the ZMA schedule I’m on now I’ll pop 2 pills 45 minutes before bed and I will go into a deep sleep and wake up around 2am after some wicked dreams, but feeling like I had a full nights sleep, can’t believe its only 2am. So I’ll go back to sleep and get up at 6am, but won’t feel as perky and won’t want to get up.

Last night I dreamt someone was breaking into my house and they had a gun. I actually like these dreams though, they can be kick ass, weird, sometimes scary, but I’m not a little kid anymore and I can tell its a dream.

Some people like me like these vivid dreams, whereas others who maybe prone to more nightmares don’t like them at all.

[quote]mtd25 wrote:
I’m no expert, but drink a full glass of water with it. I have taken ZMA for a while and I keep hearing these stories, but have never experienced it.[/quote]


This would happen to me with the old TRIBEX.

I love ZMA, best sleep I have ever gotten, not to mention the dreams which are more vivid then any I have ever had. Plus, I find I can actually remember them.