[quote]mtd25 wrote:
Some crazy dreams here also, on the ZMA schedule I’m on now I’ll pop 2 pills 45 minutes before bed and I will go into a deep sleep and wake up around 2am after some wicked dreams, but feeling like I had a full nights sleep, can’t believe its only 2am. So I’ll go back to sleep and get up at 6am, but won’t feel as perky and won’t want to get up.
Last night I dreamt someone was breaking into my house and they had a gun. I actually like these dreams though, they can be kick ass, weird, sometimes scary, but I’m not a little kid anymore and I can tell its a dream.
Some people like me like these vivid dreams, whereas others who maybe prone to more nightmares don’t like them at all.[/quote]
yeah I already have really wild dreams that I don’t remember, when I’ve taken ZMA they are even crazier, just unreal weird. We’re talking, I was a giant million legged spider jumping through time from dream sequence to dream sequence on a schoolbus riding a tsunami with scarlett johanssen weird. I shit you not.
My only complaint re: ZMA is exactly what you described… I tend to wake up middle of the night and fall back asleep every time I take it. I also have a sort of waking sleep problem near the end of my sleep after the first time I wake up, so I don’t really take it anymore =/
ZMA dreams sure can be strange. I had one last night where I was at a lecture where Berardi was presenting the latest nutritional benefits of popcorn, saying that popcorn really doesn’t have any carbs and stimulates protein synthesis.
yeah I already have really wild dreams that I don’t remember, when I’ve taken ZMA they are even crazier, just unreal weird. We’re talking, I was a giant million legged spider jumping through time from dream sequence to dream sequence on a schoolbus riding a tsunami with scarlett johanssen weird. I shit you not.
My only complaint re: ZMA is exactly what you described… I tend to wake up middle of the night and fall back asleep every time I take it. I also have a sort of waking sleep problem near the end of my sleep after the first time I wake up, so I don’t really take it anymore =/
I can vouch for the vivid ass surfing tsunami dreams (shit feels so real too).
I need to find some better research on how ZMA affects sleep cycles. Anyone have any good links.
For me though, I pop 2 or 3 L-Tryptophan pills (same amino acid in turkey), which naturally converts into melatonin, half hour before bed and then the ZMA right before my head hits the pillow, and this keeps me zonked out all night and I wake extremely refreshed in the morning. I recommend trying some L-Tryptophan to anyone who has the waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night problem.
[quote]RPC wrote:
That “smoke” you see is just testosterone being blown out your snout. Nothing to be concerned with here. Move along…[/quote]
good call… i will definately do it in public next time and then ask if my GUNS are GROWING from all the curls in the squat rack. i mean… squats in the curl rack?