Hi folks-
To make it short by bf is too much (20%) and i have to get rid of it.
I earn PN and all the stuff,but the ZIG ZAG DIET (plus minus diet) catched my eye.
I want to go for fat los,which means to add upp the calories a bit on training days (3)to remain or gain muscle and shorten them on off days (4 days)
The guys of you who know the diet know what i mean.
My question belongs to the need of changing my training.
i needed a long time to find a rotation which works for me and i want to stay with it and not to change it by a fat loss plan (be it thib or chad i don?t care i trainied AGES to find sth which works long term)-and i am not sure if its neccessary.
My plan in short:always whole body
acc.phase:see Waterbury bible:36-50 rep volume 70-80%of 1rpm 1-2min rest, reps 6-10.
intens.phase:80-90%of 1rpm volume 9-25 (mainly 15-15)
rest: 3 min and longer
I want to drop my BF to 10-15% thats enough,i am not a competitve BB just training for my own sake for mass and strenght (in that order).
i just want a flat belly again,don?t need a fuckin shredded stomach.
My fear is to loose my mass i build.i started with 65-68kg and now i am at 90kg.i am 186cm tall. (needed nealry 10 years for this)
So i am not a beast or sth.but without the belly will I look quite sporty and I have a good shoulder devolpment.
Its not the world but well its ok.So i want to remain my hard earned mass.I am not interested in loosing my belly by the cost of 7pounds of muscle-thats not worth it cause i have not that much.
have you done good experienced by zig zaging?
[quote]science wrote:
Hi folks-
To make it short by bf is too much (20%) and i have to get rid of it.
I earn PN and all the stuff,but the ZIG ZAG DIET (plus minus diet) catched my eye.
I want to go for fat los,which means to add upp the calories a bit on training days (3)to remain or gain muscle and shorten them on off days (4 days)
The guys of you who know the diet know what i mean.
My question belongs to the need of changing my training.
i needed a long time to find a rotation which works for me and i want to stay with it and not to change it by a fat loss plan (be it thib or chad i don?t care i trainied AGES to find sth which works long term)-and i am not sure if its neccessary.
My plan in short:always whole body
acc.phase:see Waterbury bible:36-50 rep volume 70-80%of 1rpm 1-2min rest, reps 6-10.
intens.phase:80-90%of 1rpm volume 9-25 (mainly 15-15)
rest: 3 min and longer
I want to drop my BF to 10-15% thats enough,i am not a competitve BB just training for my own sake for mass and strenght (in that order).
i just want a flat belly again,don?t need a fuckin shredded stomach.
My fear is to loose my mass i build.i started with 65-68kg and now i am at 90kg.i am 186cm tall. (needed nealry 10 years for this)
So i am not a beast or sth.but without the belly will I look quite sporty and I have a good shoulder devolpment.
Its not the world but well its ok.So i want to remain my hard earned mass.I am not interested in loosing my belly by the cost of 7pounds of muscle-thats not worth it cause i have not that much.
have you done good experienced by zig zaging?
My advice go DAMN slow you got time it aint a race slower you go the more muscle you save and hell may actually buld some aim to lose 1 lb or so a week train hard and smart.
Just clean up the diet a tad, up the protein and fats, supplement smart look into HOT-ROX. Take your time bro be patient and you will save what youve worked hard for
[quote]science wrote:
Hi phil,
Thank you for oyur nice post man:)
Do ya think a supplementation with creatin will help?
greetz and thank you bro.[/quote]
Yes creatine IMO is an all years supp but even more important when cutting intake low it will allow full hydration, Max ATOP store maybe allow that extra rep or two, Any lil aid like that can make a big difference . Not to mention all the other health aspects