[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
I have no problem with torture. If some asshole terrorist knows when and where a bomb is going off and it took cutting off his fingers to get him to talk and we got our people out of there in time and saved lives then I’m a happy camper. Even if it’s to get the names of people giving money or providing services/safe haven to terrorists or offering services to them. Fuck 'em. They are blowing people up or supporting innocent people being blown up, maimed and killed - shattering the lives of families.
When someone does that or supports people that do that, they have NO fucking rights.
We should use EVERY means available to us to defeat our enemy. We should be publicly dipping our bullets in pigs blood and shooting Muslim captives in the face and putting video of THAT on al-jazeera.
We have become too soft as a nation. We lack the will to win that we had in former generations. How did we win WWII? We NUKED them. Twice. Took the will to fight right out of them. Instead we wage a long, drawn out, under funded war and rebuild their country with OUR tax dollars! They see how weak we are and that’s why they’re attacking us. They don’t fear us, and rightfully so.
“But what about our humanity? Surely we are more evolved than THAT?”, says the tree hugging faggot liberal. Go tell that the families of the people who these assholes blew up. Ask them if they’d be OK if the attacks on 9/11 were stopped because we tortured the information out of some Jihaadest fanatic bent of killing all Americans. Fuck those assholes. I say torture them until they die even after we’ve extracted every useful shred of information from their pathetic little minds. And when they finally die, desecrate their filthy corpse in whatever manner appropriate to cause those still alive to give pause before they fuck with the United States of America. [/quote]
A few questions:
Is that how you want America’s enemies to treat American Soldiers?
[/quote] They are already having their heads cut off on Al-Jazeera by Islamic fanatics[quote]
Are you ok with this type of treatment for merely “suspected” terrorists?
[/quote]Yes. If you lie down with dogs, you come up with fleas. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. If you are knowingly associating and supporting terrorism, you deserve to find out how your left nut tastes while getting your fingertips drilled.[quote]
Do you trust the government to label someone a terrorist correctly 100% of the time before torturing them without process or a determination of guilt?
[/quote]I don’t trust the gov’t to get ANYTHING right, much less 100% of the time. I’m sure mistakes will be made. But that’s already happening with drone strikes killing innocent people. It’s called collateral damage. It sucks, but it’s a fact of life when you are at war. Accept it.[quote]
What margin of error would you find acceptable for labeling someone a “terrorist” and torturing them indefinitely without any real process?
That question doesn’t make sense. Are you asking me what’s my standard for labeling someone a terrorist? Or what is an acceptable margin of error? or how I feel about lack of due process?
If the CIA/NSA has them seen/heard/visually verified by trusted source to be associating with know terrorist, then they are fair game. An acceptable margin of error is impossible to quantify - I only care about results. If we are getting results, the Muslims are fearing us and the attacks are stopping, then we are doing it right. Due process is a fucking joke anyway. Seriously, a minority American citizen in regular criminal court can barely get a fair trial, so what makes you think that at TERRORIST is going to get one? And what are we going to do, give them a dime for a phone call when they are picked up so they can tell their terrorist friends to change protocol? Please, just spare me your liberal fantasy land bullshit on that subject.
There’s a real easy way to avoid all that: don’t associate with terrorists. If you find out that someone you know is a terrorist, turn them in. If you are captured by the United States government and don’t want to be tortured, then cooperate fully. The problem is that fanatical Muslims are mixed in with “non-radical” Muslims BUUUUUUT, and you know there’s a but, the “non-radical” Muslims are either too afraid of the fanatics OR they agree with them and their cause deep down but don’t have the stones to act on their beliefs. Either way, it would further our interests if they feared US more than they feared them.
And why did we give UBL a clean Muslim burial? His dead ass should have been thrown into a pen with starving pigs who would have eaten him and turned him into the piece of shit that he was. Muslims (especially the easily manipulated stupid ones - you know, the same kind that can be manipulated into putting on an explosive vest) believe that if they are tainted by the swine, they will not go to heaven and get their 77 virgins, so WHY THE FUCK are we not using this fact to our advantage? Because it’s not politically correct? But you’re OK with giving NON-US citizens who try to blow us up the same rights as citizens? WTF is wrong with you?