[quote]jtg987 wrote:
drummerofgod89 wrote:
8 months ago:
Weight: 180 lbs
BF: 20%
Bench: 95 lbs
Deadlift: 185 lbs
Squat: 95 lbs
Weight: 250 lbs
BF: 18%
Bench: 215 (It seriously stalled here about 5 months ago which is why it’s so much lower than my others lifts, which didn’t stall)
Deadlift: 550
Squat: 450
Height: 6’2"
The first month at college, I went on a suicidal diet and ran 10+ miles daily while eating VERY little. It did work because the diet was so short. I lost a serious amount of bodyfat, and I did this while lifting and I maintained weight at 180 lbs. This was the most miserable month of my life.
I guess my body allowed for building muscle and losing bodyfat at the same time since I was so prone to body recomposition from never having ran or weight lifted before. I dropped to 12% BF.
After the suicidal diet, I began bulking up fast. I ate like a monster, drinking whole milk like water and eating over two dozen eggs a day… just tons of protein in general. I added up my protein intake and it was 500-600 grams daily. I didn’t even want to think of my calorie intake, but I kept it the same because I wasn’t gaining fat too fast.
At first, I was gaining about 13 lbs a month, then it slowed down to about 5, topping off at 250 where I then started to cut. And that’s my story thus far.
fuck mate thats a fair effort, do you have any before and after pictures? either way great progress, keep it up[/quote]
I do have a few pictures, but nothing great. I’m not even sure if I want to post them, because the only pictures I have of myself that show a lot of my body when I was small are when my marching band for college had a cross-dressing day for practice. But I guess I can post one of each, but no laughing.
Before: 180 lbs
After: 250 lbs