Your perfect cycle

If you had unlimited resources, what would be your perfect steroid cycle. I’m after ideas for forthcoming cycles and I’m interested to know what some of you guys have tried and had good results with. Also, I have a almost endless supply of hand pressed methandrostelone (dbol) which has been combined with B12 for appitite increasining and a liver protector.(and is 100% legit) Any advice on doseage, cycle length, tapering all aimed at maximising long term gains at minimum risk would be really appreciated. Thanks.

There is no such thing as the “perfect” cycle.
The best cycle at a given time for a given individual depends on his goals – does he want to compete in the Mr Olympia, or does he want to get a better class of girlfriend, or does he want to improve athletic performance, and which sport is it, etc. – and on his tolerance for risk, and on his particular concerns, e.g. one person may be paranoid of gyno, another of hair loss, another of acne, another with general health.

So the question of what is a perfect steroid
cycle cannot be answered.

For me it is 2 weeks of 50 mg/day each of
trenbolone acetate and Winstrol Depot (both with loading dose on first day, Winstrol switching to oral 100 mg/day in second week)
plus 70 sprays 2x/daily Nandrosol. One IU
of GH would be a preferred addition if available. (I cannot tolerate much higher dose

The above is highly effective and only noticed adverse
effects to me are body acne, particularly after the cycle not during, and apparently faster hair loss,
though actually most of my loss occurred before
ever using anything, so added androgen is not
too much at blame.

I thought the BR/BS perfect supplement was the combo anavar/primo/winny tabs. I on the other hand have dreams of Substance XII or Methyltrienolone(sp?) as well.

Do a search in the back issues. Either the S-Files or Strasseroids had a d-bol only cycle.
It was, I think, 3 on, 2 off, 3 on. I don’t want to get it wrong so I’ll leave it to you to find it.

750mg test/week
75mg tren/day
50mg dbol/day
50mg winny/day
1mg arimidex/day
6IU GH/day
For 6 weeks. Would be expensive as hell, but would put on mass like no other and probably cause fat loss no matter how much I tried to eat.

For 8 weeks…
300mg test prop/week
228mg trenbolon/week
50mg anavar/day
20mg winstrol/day

Bill, the TA in your cycle - is it from fina or is it an injectible that’s not made from Fina? Also, I assume that you used Clomid? Just checking. I’ve been learning a ton from your posts, thanks a lot. Although I’ve never done a cycle myself, I think society and the media have really overexaggerated the risks. Unfortunately it’s people who don’t research their cycle and get bad cases of gyno and other side effects which continue the stigma. Thanks for clearing a lot of the issues up on this site.
P.S. Ordering my first bottle of A-sol this weekend. Can’t wait to see if it works well for me.

Hypothetically any TA would have had its origin in Finaplix. Bulk powder would be a nicer source but has not been available or legal.

Clomid was used in the past when aromatizable steroids were used, but not when only nonaromatizables (e.g. 4-AD, nor-4-AD) were used.