I know it’s a bit like asking ‘what do you bench?’, but what are some of your feats of strength? With real objects, not a bar! When I was roofing, I packed two 100lb rolls, one on each shoulder. They were each 3ft long & about 1ft in diameter.
Heavy lifting got me into weight lifting. I had the job of carrying 50 lbs bags of salt down to the basement after they were delivered. After several years, I worked up to 3 bags on each shoulder.
Later in the service, I did a 100 yard run/walk with a soldier (200+ lbs each) on each shoulder.
Oh just moving tables and chairs lol
Two girls held over head simultaneously at arms length.
Not a feat of strength but of endurance. I stacked 15 tons of hay in 60 pound wire bound bales in my loft this summer. Not a lot of fun. It took about 6 hours including many water breaks. I don’t think I want to do it again. However, in Vietnam, I saw many incredible feats of strength/endurance… soldiers carrying wounded up and down mountains for several kilometers, upturning jeeps that had hit land mines and had soldiers pinned underneath, etc. Obviously not possible in a competition but the adrenal gland apparently can kick in an extreme emergency and provide the mental fortitude and focus to give one strength and endurance way beyond a person’s normal limit. I have also heard of, but never witnessed, some superhuman feats of strength by Buddhist monks. Mental focus and a control over one’s own bio-functions appears to be the key. There is also a religion (Shamanism) in the Ural-Altaic regions of northern Asia and Europe that supposedly gives the priests (shamans) the ability to incredible physical things. Who knows?
to Avoids Roids - yep, I’ve seen real-thin guys (and women) lift loads of furniture and stuff due to a fire. and after everythin was over, they can’t do the same thing anymore…freaky eh?
I lift my dick up every once in while.
nkeago-I said real objects!
15 reps. with bodywt. PLUS 100 lbs. while doing dips. Can you say triceps?! YES!
Okay ya got me. Ummmmmm I lifted up my friend’s girlfriend. She had a look of shock on her face. I myself was totally surprised that I could lift her so easy(actually at all) as…well she’s not a light lass.
In college, I walked approx. 100ft. down my dorm hallway carrying 7 people on my back. 7 small people, but still…
actually two things. couple summers ago standing on parents pontton boat and bent down and picked up a boat dock (small one) to let them place a float underneath. just several weeks ago, picked up end of steel table wioth cadaver on it to drain fluid after dissection. may not sound like much, but the lady was big and at least my classmates were impressed.
The only thing that I did that is worthy to go up here was carrying my 29" television up 9 floors (18 flights of stairs) when I moved into my college dorm. This was pretty hard since I did it after loading most of my other stuff. Needless to say, I skipped my next deadlift workout.
I know it’s not much, but when I got 18 pull-ups my junior year in high school, I had to laugh in the faces of everyone who laughed at me when I couldn’t even do 1 in Jr. High. Also, people I work with are continually amazed when they ask for my help lifting heavy packages and I end up doing it myself with ease. Makes me proud to be a T-man.
Its stupid but… i used to work in a carpet store that stocked vinyl. The short vinyl rolls where 6 feet wide and could weigh anywhere from 40 to 300+ pounds. Other guys would kick/roll them down the length of the warehouse (about 75 feet). I liked to deadlift/press the large ones onto one end, squat under it, rock it onto my shoulder, stand and walk the sucker down to the end. I’d also get bored and do cleans/OH presses with the smaller rolls.
I also like to have sex standing up. :). That may not seem like a feat of strength but holding a 100 lb woman in your arms for 4 hours (o.k., 20 minutes), can be pretty damn taxing on your arms, traps and back.
I almost forgot. Im very proficient at tearing phone books and can blow up a full can of unopened coke. The latter being very impressive even though it is really easy.
So what’s the secret to blowing up a can of coke? Just squeeze the middle or do you shake it up first to build pressure I’m always up for learning a new party trick.
one night after seeing the power team i was just fucking around and decided to try and bust a can. i really didnt think i could do it so i didnt put a towel around it or anything. it busted everywhere. now i put a towel around it to protect my hands and my clothes. I do it this way. Interlock you fingers and squeeze with your pecs. I usually put on arm on the inside of one of my thighs for extra leverage. I can usually bust it in less than a minute.
I pushed a Mercury Zephyr out of a gravel parking lot, and then push-started it. It felt like a 20 rep squat session.