if you cut out all the “extraneous” stuff, what would you use?
for me,
10-20 1gm fish oil capsules
just those three for me.
PS: other than for quick recovery, what’s the purpose of BCAA/does it help that much?
if you cut out all the “extraneous” stuff, what would you use?
for me,
10-20 1gm fish oil capsules
just those three for me.
PS: other than for quick recovery, what’s the purpose of BCAA/does it help that much?
[quote]- BCAA promote protein synthesis in muscle.
BCAA taken during training have been shown to increase both growth hormone and insulin, thus increasing anabolism and anti-catabolism.
BCAA, unlike other amino acids, are used to provide energy.
A 1992 Italian study showed that BCAA taken prior to a workout not only prevented a decrease in post-workout Testosterone levels, but caused it to increase.
BCAA have been shown to decrease post-workout soreness.
BCAA, according to a 1997 Italian study published in Medicina Dello Sport, when taken 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after a workout, were shown to increase lean body mass and improve strength in the bench press and squat.
BCAA have been shown to increase exercise endurance, especially exercise conducted in high temperatures.
As little as 4 grams of BCAA can kick start the body from a catabolic state to an anabolic state.[/quote]
I couldn’t live without surge.
Of course protein for me and Surge.
Also i like Beta-7 a lot. Ever since i went on vacation in the summer and went off of it for awhile after that, i noticed that my lifts weren’t nearly as good. You don’t actually know how good it works until you go off of it for awhile.
what exactly do you like about Surge? i noticed it costs a lot per serving, so i am sticking to whey for now
My staples are Grow!, Metabolic Drive, and Surge. Might add Superfood.
[quote]kickureface wrote:
what exactly do you like about Surge? i noticed it costs a lot per serving, so i am sticking to whey for now[/quote]
It tastes unbelievable. And the following lifting session doesn’t suck cuz it really helps recovery(not just muscular either). I feel my energy levels recover quicker. Most of the flavors have at least 16 servings, yes. But that is good for one month if you at most lift 4 times per week.
My staples are Surge, Metabolic Drive(sometimes when I’m tired of cottage cheese), Grow! and BCAA’s(when cutting).
Fish Oil!!!
Fiber Tabs
I was going to say Protien Powder; but if I HAD to…I could get more food in me.
whey/casein protein
in fact, that’s all i use anyways
Fish oil
I only take whey proteins ,always after the workout and the morning after.
Im not sure if your starting out but even if ur not you will still benefit from just using Surge pwo and Metabolic Drive before bed. Also fish oil and a vitamin is very important.
fish oil, multi-vit, calcium chew, and soon to be many more
whats so good about bcaa
[quote]strungoutboy21 wrote:
Of course protein for me and Surge.
Also i like Beta-7 a lot. Ever since i went on vacation in the summer and went off of it for awhile after that, i noticed that my lifts weren’t nearly as good. You don’t actually know how good it works until you go off of it for awhile.[/quote]
Beta-7 for me too.
I noticed the same thing, i went away for 2 weeks and when i came back i had to lower the weights to get the reps i wanted.
[quote]kickureface wrote:
whats so good about bcaa[/quote]
One more layer to ensure protein synthesis and muscle repair and growth. Muscles are made of aminos. Provide the body with ample amounts around training and through the day and let your muskels grow. If cutting they help to preserve muscle while in a calorie depleted state.
[quote]Augie122688 wrote:
strungoutboy21 wrote:
Of course protein for me and Surge.
Also i like Beta-7 a lot. Ever since i went on vacation in the summer and went off of it for awhile after that, i noticed that my lifts weren’t nearly as good. You don’t actually know how good it works until you go off of it for awhile.
Beta-7 for me too.
I noticed the same thing, i went away for 2 weeks and when i came back i had to lower the weights to get the reps i wanted.
I love BETA-7 as well. My endurance for supersets or hellacious drop and burn sets is strong and I strongly attribute much of that to BETA-7.
I don’t take “extraneous” stuff in the first place (unless I’m testing something new), if it doesn’t have a well defined realistic place in my plan, it’s out! Here’s my list in order of importance:
Surge - No, not because it “tastes awesome” or some rubbish like that, Surge is the bomb because my lean mass retention in a calorie deficit is almost twice as good as not using it, I’m sure it has similar effects on a bulk though I haven’t tested that yet.
Protein Powder - Personally I find it hard to get all my protein grams while staying under my calorie targets without using protein powder, it’s just so convenient. (and you can bake with it, try that with a steak)
Creatine - Proven to work, what more could you ask for?
I also use BCAA’s, fish oil, multi-vitamin, green tea, and HOT-ROX. While I find them all valuable and useful, they’re not in the same league as the first three.
Your taken novadex and cell mass and talking about right supplementation? eek.
Lol. You know the creatine in cell mass was proven to be a fake?