Sometimes this stuff is really hard to gauge. MAG-10 is fairly easy just because you will see the results fairly quick, which I have, yet most of the other supplements are not so obvious. Sometimes benefits are less obvious, and can be overshadowed by good or bad diet and exercise routines. Also how long was the supplement given to produce results?
Most people here are not meticulous enough to make one change and test how that change benefits them, or not.
I know MAG-10 works because I have twice put on 5 to 7 pounds of LBM in a two week period.
I know Metabolic Drive is the only protein supplement I have found that I can actually swallow without mixing with milk.
I love the taste of Surge, and while I believe it has helped me some, I do not have any real proof that it has, nor any real large gains associated with it. Then again I didn’t expect magical gains. I do know it has not resulted in any fat gain from it’s use, and has in no way interfered with fat loss.
I have used TRIBEX almost from the beginning. (Second formulation.) Originally I didn?t notice anything, yet after a few more changes, I started to notice that when I used this supplement, my face was getting oily. (Harkens me back to my high school years.) I would assume that is a sign of increased testosterone. I notice the same thing with Alpha Male. (I notice some mental effects also, mostly calming.)
Alpha Male definitely assisted me in some rebuilding of muscle about a year ago, and this year without it, have been noticing a little slower rebuild. (Fell off my bike 6 months ago, decided to take a break and heal up, and just fell out of my routine and diet until recently.)
I loved Biotest’s MD6, especially when combined with their T2 supplement. I have not had the same benefits from HOT-ROX, but I seem to be more successful with dieting when using this supplement, and I feel similar as to when I was using the old T2.
I didn?t notice much from the original formula of Methoxy-7, but have yet to try the current version.
Pretty much if I am paying attention, I can tell the benefits from the supplements, and when I am not, I actually have to blame myself because I can always associate it with some failure in my diet or exercise routines as opposed to the supplement.