Feed Back on Supplements

Alpha Male, Carbolin 19 and HOT-ROX Extreme

Just wondering what people’s experience with these three Biotest products have been.

Compared to when MAG-10 came out, the amount of feedback regarding these products have been limited.

In particular I’m interested in HOT-ROX Extreme, but wouldn’t mind trying the other two simply for the novelty of it all.

[quote]YourXLNS wrote:
Alpha Male, Carbolin 19 and HOT-ROX Extreme

Just wondering what people’s experience with these three Biotest products have been.

Compared to when MAG-10 came out, the amount of feedback regarding these products have been limited.

In particular I’m interested in HOT-ROX Extreme, but wouldn’t mind trying the other two simply for the novelty of it all.[/quote]

I take Carbolin 19 continually either in the stand alone formula or in Alpha Male/HOT-ROX Extreme and continue to be pleased with my gym results. I like to use Alpha Male periodically to stimulate higher test production and especially after using MAG-10 or 4-AD-EC some of which I stored and still had after the ban. I can always tell it gets my natural test levels running on all cylinders if it was compromised.

I use HOT-ROX Extreme if I decide the fat percentage has gotten a little out of hand and needs to be brought back into reasonable levels and as I said before Carbolin 19 in both products mentioned and as stand alone to stay anabolic and ward off the fat gains as well.

I think you will be very pleased with the energy kick HOT-ROX Extreme will give you as well as the fat loss effect.

Take care,


HOT-ROX Extreme is very good and pretty strong. It definitely helps melt fat away and I have even gained a little muscle while on it. I have a pretty high tolerance to stimulants but I still feel HRX working when I take 2 caps…