Your Best Bodypart


my gut, it gets bigger by the day, and well - everything, needs work so nothing, everything sucks as much as the other part, but if there is one, the chest is getting better and better 5x5 is gooood

Back forsure. I actually wake up in the middle of the night all excited to train back, sad but true. I like to start my week out with training back, gives me good motivation. It is by far the strongest part of my body, and it is always growing in size and definition.

A typical back day looks like this for me:
T-Bar (5 sets, 6-8 reps)
Cable Seated Rows (4 sets, 6-8 reps)
Lat Pulls (4 sets, 8 reps)
Bent Over Rows or One Arm Dumbell Rows (3-4 sets, 8 reps)

Deadlifting is done on my legs day, or else it feels like i have overloaded my back, and very little growth is seen.

[quote]Artem wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
i think my back thickness (including traps) is my best.

but my forearms are also rediculous for no reason. plus theyre wicked vascular and i dont do any direct work on them. my shoulders are also good and i dont do anything for them either.

Why would you not train shoulders?[/quote]

cause they look the same whether or not i do. but i actually trained them yesterday cause i was bored.

[quote]BJammin wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
BJammin wrote:
Off the topic, but I was looking at your pics, Live, and I must say, you have a fine taste in shoes.

the best part about them are definately the shoelaces. that and ive never met anyone in real life who had them on. unlike when i wear my chucks.

Yeah, those are pretty wild laces. Where you get them?[/quote]

lol they came w/ the shoes bro

everything needs to keep growing but my arms always respond and grow the most.

mind muscle connection, instinctive training, forced reps, slow negatives, variance in attack angles, shit i even skip arms some weeks so the rest of my skinny self catches up.

all of these things/reasons are why my arms grow, if i could do this w/ all of my body parts i’d be on to something…HHmmmmmm

back or hamstrings. I love training them.

I built a lot of my size with spreading back work out through 2/3 days of the week with a typical upper/lower WSB split. I’d do heavy back work with my max bench day and lighter hypertrophy work and high rep lat work with my dynamic bench day.

Wed-- db rows 5-8x5-6, sometimes doing 1-2 top sets of Kroc style rows instead, then seated rows 4x6-8, then a lat pull down variation or chins for 3-4x8-10

Sun-- seated rows (different grip) 3-4 x 10-15, then chins/lat pulldowns for 3 sets.

If I did more back work it was typically higher rep pulldowns on a lower body day, and then I’d do more rowing on my Sunday

I also started doing a great superset on my heavy back days–instead of doing my normal routine, which was mostly rowing super heavy, I’d finish up with a Giant set–which I recommend to everyone trying to build a big back–it was amazing!

A1) chins 6-8 reps then immediately follow with
A2) lat pulldown 5x/6x drop set 8-10, 10, 10, 10-12, AMRAP, AMRAP

That’s 1 set. I’d do 2-3 sets. Drop the weight on pulldowns 20-30 lbs or 10% for each cluster of reps (actual eg–180x10, 150, 130, 110, 80, 60, 40)

So basically my Wed was a full on back day with 2 pressing movements and 1 tricep movement. If I did the superset on Sunday it was my only back work–no rows.

For lower back work it was typically part of leg work and revolved around super heavy GMs (1-5 RM) and DLs/snatch dls/ reverse band dls, whatever.

So basically, my low back would get hammered 2x a week on Mon/Fri and my upper back 2-3x a week on Wed/Sun/(Fri)

Another post coming up after my training today…

Quads and Glutes. Shoulders have picked up nicely as well. Ill add more photos to my profile soon.

Probably thighs. If I just think about deadlifts and squats they grow!

Currently for back I do a complete back day on Tues, with my max effort the day before, so the back gets stressed 2 days in a row, but with lower back work on Mon. I’ll do additional lat work on Wed/Sat (bench days) if I have the energy. Doing pretty well for strength this way as well. Back day consists of roughly 15-18 sets, concentrating on rows mostly.

Hammies are, well, pretty much trained ala WSB. And boy oh boy does it work for them. Pull-throughs and natural GHRs are staples. I don’t do back extensions much currently, but when I do I turn them into hip extensions by keeping all the tension on my hams and glutes. Works better for me this way I think, and it’s more applicable to my goals.

Typical Max lower body:

Oly Squat-- work to a 3rm or something

GMs or DLs against bands – work up to 3 rm or 5 rm–work on firing the hips through and keeping the tension on the hammies


natural GHRs 4 x whatever

“light” day:

squat work up to 3x5

sumo pulls work up to heavy 5, or do 3x8-10

back extensions 3-4x 12 (sometimes 20)

(1 other optional exercise)

So basically on any given week my hams/glutes get at least 25 sets devoted to them. Usually more.

My legs. A picture is on my profile if you curious. Calves aren’t included in that though.

Squats have really helped me with growth. I do like front squats a lot more, and if it weren’t for football, I would not be doing back squats nearly as much.

Back thickness. Barbell rows and deadlifts have done me good.

Calves for me. I’ve never trained them intentionally, and they’re now 17.75 inches at about 10-12% BF.

Don’t know if it’s genetics or what, but I think “leg sports” helped the most. I started skateboarding at the age of 6 and did it at least 4 hours every day and more on weekends until I was 17. And I don’t mean bowl riding either, rather street skating where you have to push yourself along.

In my teenage years I did a lot cross country running on top of the boarding.

Now I go hillwalking a lot in the mountains of Scotland. That fries them pretty quick! Sea level to 4000ft, at a very steep angle. Pure agony, but I love it :slight_smile: