Your Best Bodypart

I’d go with my back. Oddly enough it’s also the body part I don’t put on it’s own day.

I’ll hit it for 1 exercise at the end of every workout rotating between shrugs, rows, and pull downs. (excluding all my deadlifting)

My favorite exercise for it is plate stack rows. You put a 5 or 10 pound plate on the floor, then stack 45s on top of it. Bend over and grab the bottom 45 on either side, lift and row. It was an exercise I read about in a Mark Philippi article, and I love it. You can move a ton of weight this way.

[quote]SSC wrote:
Calves… 17" with 15" biceps for comparison, haha. Mine are mostly genetic, but I grind out extremely heavy weight with them once a week, for whatever it’s worth.

And traps. Don’t know where these came from - but I’ve always had good traps. Other than deads/rack pulls, I don’t work them out much anymore because their height is kind of ridiculous sometimes, proportion-wise.[/quote]

Hah, I have 18 inch arms with 16 inch calves.

My eyebrows.

Fuck, to me it seems like all my bodyparts are small and lagging (insert penis joke here), no matter how I train them.

For me, my chest and back stand out

My back development comes from a love for the novelty of deadlifting what seemed like big weights.

My chest just responds to whatever I give it, I rarely do anything other than BB Bench Press and incline BB or DB bench. I also rarely go over 5 working sets once a week

My shoulders and triceps have been playing catch up for about two years (getting there…)

[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
SSC wrote:
Calves… 17" with 15" biceps for comparison, haha. Mine are mostly genetic, but I grind out extremely heavy weight with them once a week, for whatever it’s worth.

And traps. Don’t know where these came from - but I’ve always had good traps. Other than deads/rack pulls, I don’t work them out much anymore because their height is kind of ridiculous sometimes, proportion-wise.

Hah, I have 18 inch arms with 16 inch calves.[/quote]

Tell ya what… I’ll take two of your bicep inches, and keep my calves, and I’ll turn you on to some DC calf-training…

Fair? :slight_smile:

quads, calves,hamstrings

My chest. I’m not hyooge by any stretch, but my chest is massive, especially compared to the rest of my body. People compliment me/comment on it/ tease me for “sticking my chest out” (I’m not) constantly.

I actually think it kinda sucks because it makes my shoulders look so tiny and my bench isn’t very big either. So big chest + tiny bench = not a good trade off in my eyes. The only reason I actually do any chest work is to get my bench up, other than that I would leave it alone.

[quote]absolute3 wrote:
Calves. I never train them and they are enormous and powerful.

I suppose its because I am an Aquarius. =)[/quote]

Haha, january 25th here. I used to get complimented on my calves a lot because of their size and shape (rocked some decent cuts too). Never gave 'em any direct work either. But then I decide to go from 270-215 over time and there goes the calves…

i think my back thickness (including traps) is my best.

but my forearms are also rediculous for no reason. plus theyre wicked vascular and i dont do any direct work on them. my shoulders are also good and i dont do anything for them either.

Off the topic, but I was looking at your pics, Live, and I must say, you have a fine taste in shoes.

[quote]BJammin wrote:
Off the topic, but I was looking at your pics, Live, and I must say, you have a fine taste in shoes.[/quote]

Your fucking kidding me

Haha, I wish I were. And that’s to scale, they’re actually bigger than a car (size 15) haha. Fuckin’ clown feet. But shit, thats some freaky shit. I know what I’m not wearing tomorow!

[quote]BJammin wrote:
Haha, I wish I were. And that’s to scale, they’re actually bigger than a car (size 15) haha. Fuckin’ clown feet. But shit, thats some freaky shit. I know what I’m not wearing tomorow![/quote]

Lmao, good for you I wouldnt be weraing those tmrw either!

Shoulders, ass, and abs. Like bricks!

Quads, hamstrings and glutes. I can attribute most of my leg size to playing ice hockey since I was 6, as well competing in road racing ( cycling) to this day. Still manage to do HIT - big gear hill sprints on my road bicycle twice a week. ( The lactic acid and burn in my quads from these sprints is insane! )

As for specific training exercises, front squats, Romanian deadlifts and different variations of lunges seem to work for me.

Back, also my favorite part to train.

[quote]BJammin wrote:
Off the topic, but I was looking at your pics, Live, and I must say, you have a fine taste in shoes.[/quote]

the best part about them are definately the shoelaces. that and ive never met anyone in real life who had them on. unlike when i wear my chucks.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
i think my back thickness (including traps) is my best.

but my forearms are also rediculous for no reason. plus theyre wicked vascular and i dont do any direct work on them. my shoulders are also good and i dont do anything for them either.[/quote]

Why would you not train shoulders?

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
BJammin wrote:
Off the topic, but I was looking at your pics, Live, and I must say, you have a fine taste in shoes.

the best part about them are definately the shoelaces. that and ive never met anyone in real life who had them on. unlike when i wear my chucks.[/quote]

Yeah, those are pretty wild laces. Where you get them?