Sorry to have to do this. But im desperate for help. This post will likely be long, apologies in advance for this but i really want to include ALL that i know if it will help any of you help me, by offering suggestions, thoughts, advise on how to approach/deal with things, seriously anything, please feel free to lend a helping hand.
19 + 9 months old, male, about 165lbs, bout 5’10.
Medical History;
Liposuction at 15-16 (bad gyno)
Root Canal (Dentistry) smashed front teeth on a fruit machine - 16.
Current diagnosis;
Raynauds phenomenum/diesease/syndrome
Chronic ITP? Haemtology - haven’t bothered to read up on this yet, and will explain why later.
Meniscus tear - R knee.
Next history may seem really over analyzed or exaggerated, but i feel it needs to be, incase there’s anyone out there that might think, that could match with that, or you should be checked for so and so.
October 2010, was working with dad, pain developed in sacrum whilst kneelin down and leaning forward, inital thoughts was that it was where i wasn’t used to the work as i was on vacation for a month before hand and worked through the pain, but it didn’t go away.
About 6 months later down the line, started developing neck pain, the only possible explanation i can think of is that when coming up from a squat, the bar jolted off my back and onto my neck, but no instant pain or injury that i can recall from it.
More recently Ive started having aches and pains in my bicep tendons (inner elbows, insertion point to joints). At times it bothered me during pull ups, it would be painful to do and bear weight on, could be related from the shoulder i guess, but i’ll explain more later. Even walking the dog would cause a degree of pain in these areas.
Anyway, i have been to the doctors countless times over the years, but nothing. I had gone to them in the past as i gave complaints of being thirsty, having a dry mouth, which required me to drink more often, and then, urinate more frequently. I even remember being out with friends in my early teenage years and avoiding having drinks due to fear of having to pee. My mother said ever since i was little, whenever we were out i was always asking to pee - bladder problems?
I was ran with a few tests and if i remember correctly, being tested for diabetes, twice, both which thankfully came back negative.
I have had several blood tests, x-rays and scans, if i can remember;
Ankle x-ray (thought i may of fractured, by falling on it) - Clear.
2 Cervical spine x-rays - Clear.
Both Knee x-rayed - Clear.
2 Chest x-rays - Clear.
MRI Scan lumbar spine - Reduced lordosis - doc said it was completely normal, and no significant abnormalties were found.
R knee MRI - Meniscus tear.
Ive been tested for RA, FBC’S, all sorts.
In the past my iron was low, i was given supplements and after recent bloods, my iron levels are fine. However, my platelets were low on the first testing, by the second testing, they were higher, but still slightly low. The haemtologist said not to worry about the ITP as my platelet levels were only slightly below the normal range, and therefore discharged me.
So, my current complaints are, back ache, and aches in my inner elbows (but not the joint)
I have the weirdest neck symptoms though;
Neck - Can be my whole neck, comes and goes, some days it isn’t bad, some days it is, base of my skull, to shoulder blades, more of a dull ache, i have overactive traps, and can avoid the pain at times, some times i notice it hurting are;
In a quadruped position, looking down, an example, playing a puzzle, within 20mins, hurts like hell, or if i were bending over sorting the washing, it will hurt, if i shrug, it normally produces pain.
The sacrum pain isn’t much of a bother recently, sometimes i wake up and it hurts a bit, but normally i can stretch it off or walk it out, perhaps some SIJ Dysfunction or some imbalances around there.
At this current time, i do have possibly an anxiety disorder, and id say, some depression. I have been researching what’s wrong, and after reading certain illnesses/dieases, getting myself in a right state and panicing worrying big time. Im not doubting the power of the mind, at times i haven’t been able to control it and am always sub conciously looking for symptoms in myself and scanning my body for issues, looking for problems which weren’t actively there. Im in the progress of getting councselling, but i am taking control of the situation a bit better. Prescribed anti-depressants, but not willing to take those, yet.
I stretch every morning and evening now, but feel prolonged sitting can make my whole back tighten up. The aches/pains are normally right in my spine (so it feels), and a real nuisance. I have tried exercising, as i haven’t lifted weights or worked out seriously for about 6-8 months, although int he summer i was trying to keep my strength up, DL’s, Bench, rows, etc.
I do the usual soft tissue work, and mobility drills, it does help a bit, but hasn’t cured my problem/s.
The doctors say they have been to the hills with the investigations and say that Ive probably had more investigations than anyone. They can’t seem to find nothing wrong and have prescribed me, co-codamol 15mg/500mg, and dicoflenax sodium 50mg. I don’t take these unless i have to.
Roughly about 2 weeks ago, i awoke in the night in tremendous pain, i took co-codamoel, sprayed deep heat and used a heating pad but couldn’t get back to sleep, so i went to A+E and they just basically gave me the same. The pain eventually went away in about 8 hours, but it was agony, and i was in tears. This same day i had a lot of diarhea and sickness. An osteopath i had been seeing said it sounds right as Ive been having a lot of anxiety lately and seems to think it could be strongly related to that as he couldn’t find anything obviously wrong. At A+E i was checked by a couple of docs, took a chest x-ray and uranylsis, both which came back fine.
Some days, i feel fine, almost how i used to, with minor aches and pains like most people, but with the anxiety Ive developed, im taking most pains into account that i wouldn’t thought about in the past, which is why i need some councselling and possibly CBT. The doctors seem to think that once i get back into work (been out of work a while), then i won’t notice the pains as im sitting at home, thinking about them, looking for problems, dwelling on things, which if im honest, there is some truth in. However i can’t help but feel there is something wrong with me.
Anyway, a prime example. Yesterday, weren’t feeling too bad, so i decided to go for a swim, done a good 30mins or so, felt good, had a shower, started getting changed. Then noticed aches in my upper back by shoulder blades. Then felt it around my stomach, and had to take some p killers when i got in which helped. Im getting scared and have been tearful numerous times over this as i don’t know what’s going on.
I have had a couple of neck adjustments and back from an osteopath, i can now self crack my neck without much effort. He seems to think, the pain related to my elbow/tendon is growing pains and anxiety, which i have been having a lot of lately, and recently i have been better, at switching off, which has helped the symptoms. So maybe i am fine, maybe i just need a good deal of therapy, in the right direction, some ART, corrective exercises, but at times, i just feel my life is going downhill.
I don’t know what’s happening in the future, i can’t plan things as i don’t know how im going to feel, i don’t feel like i can stay away from home due to fear of being in pain and having to take p killers with me everywhere. I don’t feel normal or how i used to, i feel on edge and that 1 day i’ll have enough of it and do something stupid.
So, need some massive psychological help, which im hoping to get. Apart from that i don’t know, perhaps my training in the past was imbalanced, i have shit scapula stabilit i feel, not enough pulls, the right exercises, but not done properly getting the benefits and just furthing the imbalances.
Sorry it’s LONG, not expecting many replies if any, but thought id throw it out. For now, just going to enjoy christmas and relax, but im seriously concerned about the futue and my health, i feel i can’t plan my life with all this going on, i can’t think ahead career wise, or where i plan to be in a few months, going on holiday or anything, or even staying away has been put off so bad.
All i want to do is be back in the gym and working out. I haven’t worked out properly/sat on my ass for about 8 months, it’s not healthy, but i feel im just able to walk and sit on my ass, i can’t stand no more.
Sorry It’s a article and thank you.