You Gotta Be Real Disciplined, Huh?

[quote]leon36 wrote:
Chris if you’d been training long enough (I assume you’re 25) you’ll know that you can make amazing gains and in a month of innactivity lose almost all of it. Worse than that, your muscles will shrink but the surrounding tissue and especially epidermis, shrinks at a much slower rate making it look like ‘your muscle has turned to fat.’


This is why a lot of people are having problems with you. You make so many blanket statements that you claim as absolute truths (“I KNOW I will be overtraining my CNS if I do cardio this afternoon”) that are, at times, only true in some scenarios, or might be true, and at other times, completely false and show you are very, very misinformed. It’s irresponsible, and a negative influence on these forums, for you to be doing so.

[quote]Gmoore17 wrote:

[quote]leon36 wrote:
Chris if you’d been training long enough (I assume you’re 25) you’ll know that you can make amazing gains and in a month of innactivity lose almost all of it. Worse than that, your muscles will shrink but the surrounding tissue and especially epidermis, shrinks at a much slower rate making it look like ‘your muscle has turned to fat.’


This is why a lot of people are having problems with you. You make so many blanket statements that you claim as absolute truths (“I KNOW I will be overtraining my CNS if I do cardio this afternoon”) that are, at times, only true in some scenarios, or might be true, and at other times, completely false and show you are very, very misinformed. It’s irresponsible, and a negative influence on these forums, for you to be doing so.[/quote]

Im 20.

I was in a car wreck and tore 3 ligament in my ankle, as well as a concussion, 6 stitches in mu eyebrow, and bruised ribs. I couldnt walk for a month, couldn’t train for 2. I didn’t lose everything. I was a good bit weaker, but i didnt lose all progress.

None of that matters, because I didnt continously quit over and over like you did. Youve trained for 20 years and have nothing to show for it, i doubt anyone here wants to be like you, which is why seeing you constantly giving advice is so damn annoying. Get your own shit straight before you try helping others.

I havent said anything about you that you didnt previously say yourself.

[quote]Chris87 wrote:

[quote]Gmoore17 wrote:

[quote]leon36 wrote:
Chris if you’d been training long enough (I assume you’re 25) you’ll know that you can make amazing gains and in a month of innactivity lose almost all of it. Worse than that, your muscles will shrink but the surrounding tissue and especially epidermis, shrinks at a much slower rate making it look like ‘your muscle has turned to fat.’


This is why a lot of people are having problems with you. You make so many blanket statements that you claim as absolute truths (“I KNOW I will be overtraining my CNS if I do cardio this afternoon”) that are, at times, only true in some scenarios, or might be true, and at other times, completely false and show you are very, very misinformed. It’s irresponsible, and a negative influence on these forums, for you to be doing so.[/quote]

Im 20.

I was in a car wreck and tore 3 ligament in my ankle, as well as a concussion, 6 stitches in mu eyebrow, and bruised ribs. I couldnt walk for a month, couldn’t train for 2. I didn’t lose everything. I was a good bit weaker, but i didnt lose all progress.

None of that matters, because I didnt continously quit over and over like you did. Youve trained for 20 years and have nothing to show for it, i doubt anyone here wants to be like you, which is why seeing you constantly giving advice is so damn annoying. Get your own shit straight before you try helping others.

I havent said anything about you that you didnt previously say yourself.[/quote]

Congrats on the recovery. Seriously.

OP - I just read through this whole mess. Here’s my take on it.

I don’t think it matters AT ALL in the larger scheme of things whether or not you skip your cardio one day. I think the fact that you’re making it into a big deal, and talking about it on the internet, as well as how much sleep you got, etc. tells me all I need to know about why you continually don’t make progress.

You’re sweating the small stuff, and making a big deal out of nothing. And you also got smug about the fact that you pushed through and did your cardio anyway. Big deal. We all do it. Most of us on a regular basis. Hell, you mentioned a pool tournament as potentially derailing progress. Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?

I work long hours every day. I have a high stress job. Most of the time my hands hurt so much I feel like I don’t even want to hold a 45lb bar. You know what I do when i feel like that? I go to the gym and set some fucking PR’s. I pulled 455 yesterday (a PR) and I felt like absolute shit before I went to the gym.

Life happens to all of us. We chose how we deal with it. I’m 28, which puts me at a few years younger than you. But I don’t feel like your age is an excuse for lethargy. It’s not for me. Your CNS is not burning out just because you went to bed late. Your attitude just sucks. lol@feeling like you have to lie in bed and watch movies because you stayed out too late.

EDIT: one other thing - other people in this thread are absolutely right about you giving advice to others. You shouldn’t do it. You don’t know what works and what doesn’t. If you did, you wouldn’t have failed so much. Wait til you’ve accomplished something, then tell people how you did it.

[quote]LoRez wrote:

[quote]Chris87 wrote:

[quote]Gmoore17 wrote:

[quote]leon36 wrote:
Chris if you’d been training long enough (I assume you’re 25) you’ll know that you can make amazing gains and in a month of innactivity lose almost all of it. Worse than that, your muscles will shrink but the surrounding tissue and especially epidermis, shrinks at a much slower rate making it look like ‘your muscle has turned to fat.’


This is why a lot of people are having problems with you. You make so many blanket statements that you claim as absolute truths (“I KNOW I will be overtraining my CNS if I do cardio this afternoon”) that are, at times, only true in some scenarios, or might be true, and at other times, completely false and show you are very, very misinformed. It’s irresponsible, and a negative influence on these forums, for you to be doing so.[/quote]

Im 20.

I was in a car wreck and tore 3 ligament in my ankle, as well as a concussion, 6 stitches in mu eyebrow, and bruised ribs. I couldnt walk for a month, couldn’t train for 2. I didn’t lose everything. I was a good bit weaker, but i didnt lose all progress.

None of that matters, because I didnt continously quit over and over like you did. Youve trained for 20 years and have nothing to show for it, i doubt anyone here wants to be like you, which is why seeing you constantly giving advice is so damn annoying. Get your own shit straight before you try helping others.

I havent said anything about you that you didnt previously say yourself.[/quote]

Congrats on the recovery. Seriously.[/quote]

Thank you, I appreciate it.

It is a truly terrifying experience to come so close to death. It really changed my outlook on what was important to me. I was told when I went to the hospital that I wouldn’t ever play sports again, and it took a lot for me to get back to that. It really made me understand how much I love what I do.

[quote]leon36 wrote:
Mate I’m 36 yrs old and when you do a full day’s work and then socialise after for 8 hours, don’t get to bed until 4am - even if you get 8 hours sleep it is not good quality sleep and you wake up feeling drained. At least I DO. [/quote]

I know I’m 19 and probably shouldn’t be saying this because it may be a bit hypocritical but I’m going to say it anyway because your posts are annoying as fuck and I can’t understand why you’re spinning your wheels worrying about every little thing.

At 36, maybe you should evaluate whether going out until 4am and not sleeping well is really a good idea. Perhaps your body isn’t young enough to take it any more? If you’re truly worried about how having a lack of sleep or drinking will affect your body composition then go home earlier and leave your friends (who seem like they too shouldn’t be drinking so much and throwing up - I don’t even get into a state like that at 19!) to get drunk on their own. If they’re actually your friends then they will appreciate that you came out with them and they wouldn’t be bothered that you left earlier than them.

Also, PLEASE stop it with the stupidly long posts telling us your life story. Make a training log where you can post that shit. You keep asking newbie questions that are answered in articles aimed at people that are in exactly your position. Go read them, go train and come back to this forum showing everybody what you have achieved. It isn’t like you’re asking the occasional question that hasn’t been covered in depth on the boards multiple times already.

@The Rattler - great points. Staying out until 4am doesn’t HAVE to happen in the first place. Life getting in the way of progress would be sickness, injury, marriage, divorce, a real job (which from the way it sounds, OP doesn’t have), etc. Playing pool for 8 hours doesn’t count. “Socializing for 8 hours” is a choice. I used to play APA pool, so I know EXACTLY how it goes. We would start at 6:30, and end up closing down the bar (2:00am) on a regular basis. Guess what? I don’t play pool anymore.

OP, if you want to get in better shape, don’t make excuses. Don’t pretend that ‘life got in the way’ when you made a particular choice. You made a trade-off.

And I will reiterate that I don’t believe this needs to be a trade-off in the first place. Sucking it up and getting your shit done in the gym no matter how you feel is also an option. I think it’s funny when people skip training sessions because they’re not in optimum condition for a workout. You don’t need to be. You’ve still got a pulse right? Your legs work? You can go to the gym.

[quote]flipcollar wrote:
@The Rattler - great points. Staying out until 4am doesn’t HAVE to happen in the first place. Life getting in the way of progress would be sickness, injury, marriage, divorce, a real job (which from the way it sounds, OP doesn’t have), etc. Playing pool for 8 hours doesn’t count. “Socializing for 8 hours” is a choice. I used to play APA pool, so I know EXACTLY how it goes. We would start at 6:30, and end up closing down the bar (2:00am) on a regular basis. Guess what? I don’t play pool anymore.

OP, if you want to get in better shape, don’t make excuses. Don’t pretend that ‘life got in the way’ when you made a particular choice. You made a trade-off.

And I will reiterate that I don’t believe this needs to be a trade-off in the first place. Sucking it up and getting your shit done in the gym no matter how you feel is also an option. I think it’s funny when people skip training sessions because they’re not in optimum condition for a workout. You don’t need to be. You’ve still got a pulse right? Your legs work? You can go to the gym.[/quote]

On that last note I have had some great workouts while hungover. Not saying to make that the norm or that I would always have a great workout with a hangover (I try to avoid it) but if you suck it up and get in the gym it can be done.

I did oen hungover this monday actually…puked on front squats >.<

That’s not discipline though. Discipline is not getting shitfaced in the first place…

Ok ok OK.

One thing thoigh - I have been 26, 28 before.

Trust me - you’re shit changes once you get over 30. And then again around 35. You basically need a shit lot more rest.

You’ll see.

I used to be able to do all nighters, go to gym do pr’s etc… Life gets tougher on the body when you get older. BAsic fact that to be fair anyone should know, iot’s like basic biology 101. Metabolism slows after 25 ffs… That’s just the begioning of it… less sleeping hours, less test production etc… put on weigth of the bad kind more easily…

You’ll see.

No more drinkie more than two pinty a weekie.

Re: alcohol

Leon, as someone who has been through depression myself (was on fluoxetine then moved to sertraline - not bipolar though) I can honestly say GET OFF THE FUCKING BOOZE!!!

That stuff will make your bad days feel lower than whale shit and kick your motivation to the curb. Seriously mate.

(I also have no explanation or scientific backup, but when I stopped eating wheat my moods became a lot more ‘even’).

[quote]leon36 wrote:
Ok ok OK.

One thing thoigh - I have been 26, 28 before.

Trust me - you’re shit changes once you get over 30. And then again around 35. You basically need a shit lot more rest.

You’ll see.

I used to be able to do all nighters, go to gym do pr’s etc… Life gets tougher on the body when you get older. BAsic fact that to be fair anyone should know, iot’s like basic biology 101. Metabolism slows after 25 ffs… That’s just the begioning of it… less sleeping hours, less test production etc… put on weigth of the bad kind more easily…

You’ll see.


All that is fine, but you’re acting like a late night completely incapacitates you. Just because things are tougher now than they were for you 7 years ago does not mean they can’t be done. It doesn’t matter if it’s easy or hard, you do what it takes to get better. Tell the multitude of accomplished athletes out there who are in their 30s and 40s and older that it’s too hard. See what they say. Tell Prof X, on this site, that it’s too hard. He’s about your age, he should know what being in mid-30s is like.

FTR, I don’t do all-nighters as it is. I don’t drink. Period. Not a fucking ounce of alcohol. That’s an option you’re ignoring. Which is fine, but don’t whine about the effects of drinking and late nights if you’re choosing to have drinks and stay out late. They’re easily avoidable.

[quote]leon36 wrote:
Metabolism slows after 25 ffs… That’s just the begioning of it… less sleeping hours, less test production etc…[/quote]

I could be wrong, but I thought test production didn’t drop off until you hit early 40s.

And I mean this with all due respect, but you really need to man the fuck up.

I just happened to look at MattyXL’s profile. Age: 36. OP should ask him how he deals with life.

I’m actually being serious with this Leon. If you think I can’t tell you anything because I’m 28, then go chat with someone who’s the same age as you, and see if they disagree with anything I said.

[quote]flipcollar wrote:
I just happened to look at MattyXL’s profile. Age: 36. OP should ask him how he deals with life.

I’m actually being serious with this Leon. If you think I can’t tell you anything because I’m 28, then go chat with someone who’s the same age as you, and see if they disagree with anything I said.[/quote]

Add “Bwhitwell” to that list.

[quote]leon36 wrote:
Ok ok OK.

One thing thoigh - I have been 26, 28 before.

Trust me - you’re shit changes once you get over 30. And then again around 35. You basically need a shit lot more rest.

You’ll see.

I used to be able to do all nighters, go to gym do pr’s etc… Life gets tougher on the body when you get older. BAsic fact that to be fair anyone should know, iot’s like basic biology 101. Metabolism slows after 25 ffs… That’s just the begioning of it… less sleeping hours, less test production etc… put on weigth of the bad kind more easily…

You’ll see.


I don’t see what your point is in this post. You are going out drinking and staying up until 4 am BY CHOICE. I’m not necessarily telling you to man up, get drunk and the time and train hungover. I’m telling you that you need to re-evaluate how long you stay out drinking for when you could be resting. You have said yourself that as a 36 year old you have a harder time recovering than someone younger. WHY are you not doing everything you can to maximise your recovery to the best of your ability? This is a matter of common sense, it really isn’t difficult.

[quote]Mate I’m 36 yrs old and when you do a full day’s work and then socialise after for 8 hours, don’t get to bed until 4am - even if you get 8 hours sleep it is not good quality sleep and you wake up feeling drained. At least I DO.


This person sounds like your run of the mill weaksauce/excusejuice/ type.

After reading some of this crappy thread i can’t visualize this person putting forth promethian training in the gymnaZium, or at the field.


BS I work hard in the gym

am 5 foot 7 weight 75 kg and on my second session deadlifted 220lbs 5 x 5.

No amazing numbers, butr after a 2 year lay off which included daily alcoholism - not terrible. Deads are mt fave exercise and sqauts second.

[quote]leon36 wrote:
BS I work hard in the gym

am 5 foot 7 weight 75 kg and on my second session deadlifted 220lbs 5 x 5.

No amazing numbers, butr after a 2 year lay off which included daily alcoholism - not terrible. Deads are mt fave exercise and sqauts second.

After 20 years of training, work sets for deadlifts aren’t even 2 plates yet. Great progress, please share your secrets.