I missed the XFL last week, but I’ll watch it this week. I heard the first game sucked. Anyone have any opinions on “smashmouth” football?

I think it was best summed up on the dan patrick show, “no matter how you dress it up, it’s still bad football”

Other than the “coin flip” I thought the games were dull and overhyped as being “real football” when it is just like NFL football with much, much less talented players.

I actually enjoyed the XFL in it’s first week. Of course, they don’t have players that are NFL All-Pro caliber. But the players they have work hard. It also seems that the jitters that they had the first week have lowered themselves to a manageable level. As far as the media’s coverage is concern, PLEASE understand that MOST sportscasters, writers (MORE SPEFICALLY, THEIR PARENT COMPANIES) work for parent companies who will benefit greatly from the success of the "N"FL. These conglomorates will stop at nothing to bash anybody impeding on “their” territory. Though I believe this in direct violation of Anti-Trust laws. The point of this message is, that you can’t trust ANY mainstream news source, as they ALWAYS have a vested interest in EVERYTHING that is going on.

Need more QUALITY players- this will take a while, if ever

I was thinking of playing for the XFL, but I backed out quickly when Vince McMahon touched me inapropriately.

I also sensed something was fishy when Vince came up with the idea of Fellatio tryouts.

IMO, the football is just “ok”, but the problem is the idiot annoucers trying to tell you how great everything is. I kinda like all the different camera angles too. Not necessarily the guys on the field (although I will be looking for the sportcenter high light of the one who gets wiped out at some point), but all of the above field camera’s and stuff. And can’t they impeach Jesse the Body from announcing?