wrist rom

I jammed my wrist playing hockey a few weeks ago and now the range of motion is really limited. I can’t put my palm on the table then turn it over and have the back of my hand ont he table w/ out a good amount of effort. What should I do about this?

Get medical attention and get into physical therapy before the damage becomes permanent.

You didn’t mention if there was any point tenderness, edema or discoloration around the wrist region. How old are you? Do you have any prior history of wrist injuries? Do you have pain shaking hands or opening a door? Have you returned to ice hockey? How much improvement has the wrist made since the date of injury? Did you at least get an x-ray?

I’m having a similar situation now. I slipped on a steep downslope while hunting this past weekend, took all my weight on my right hand, bent back to extreme ROM. Extremely painful when it happened, thought I’d broken something. Never did swell up, but it was rather painful lifting or carrying anything that day. Felt better the next day, still a little tender. Now almost a week later, it’s okay for most activities, but using a shaker (for the protein shakes) is painful, I can do dips, but dumbell bench hurts a lot. Deads don’t hurt it at all. Any words of advice? I haven’t seen any one about this yet, but thought I would if it doesn’t resolve by Monday.

You didn’t mention if there was any point tenderness, edema or discoloration around the wrist region.

No there isnt any of that.

How old are you? almost 18

Do you have any prior history of wrist injuries? no

Do you have pain shaking hands or opening a door? No

Have you returned to ice hockey? of course

How much improvement has the wrist made since the date of injury? well it doesn’t hurt till I try to do what I described or when I tried to do what I described

Did you at least get an x-ray? No

Which side of your wrist hurts? Thumb or pinkie side? Top of the wrist or palm side?
Did the top of your hand bend back (hyperextension) or did it “roll under”? Exactly how long ago did you injure it? It may a mild to moderate ligament sprain. A simple stretching of the soft tissue should have resolved itself by now. Without an examination or x-ray to rule out fracture it is hard to tell. There could be an injury to the triangular fibrocartilage complex which will make your wrist feel unstable and leave you with some disability. Perhaps there is an occult fracture to one or more of the carpal bones. Another possibility is a carpal bone subluxation. I can go on-and-on with potential wrist pathologies. Bottom line: See your doctor, rule-out a fracture and/or instability.

Get it x-rayed!!! I think the other guys are right on the money as well. I would also find an ART practitioner in your area at http://www.activerelease.com/ if it is just a soft tissue issue. At least start icing it, and try some mild stretching and manipulation, if you can.