Wrist Pain

Hey guys,

I know recently someone started a Forearm Pain thread, but I wanted to get specific answers for my wrist pain.

A few days ago at the gym I was doing EZ-Bar Reverse Curls and my left wrist felt like it split. I was using the most weight I ever handled in it and when I got to the 6th rep my left wrist just went pop. I didn’t hear a sound but thats the feeling I got. That weight was an 8RM, I figured it out because after my wrist was in pain at the 6th rep, I still pulled out 2 more reps.

I’m not sure how to describe it. Imagine the left wrist pronated and the pain is lateral of the wrist bone. That’s where the pain is and I’m not sure whether it’s damage to the boney structure or ligaments/tendons. I have a feeling its the ligaments/tendons because today it feels better a bit better. I took some fish oil capsules yesterday, yet not enough.

It hurts when I supinate or pronate the forearm. It also hurts when I put the wrist in extension. It doesn’t hurt during wrist flexion. My wrists feel most comfortable in a semi-supinated position.

Yes, I am taking my fish oils and today I’m planning to OD on it, haha.

Thing is, I’m in the middle of a productive training cycle and I don’t want this random injury to kill it. My deload is in Week 5 and I’m in the middle of Week 3 right now. It pisses me off.

I was thinking about getting some wrist straps today guys, what do you think? The kind that you wrap the leather strap around the barbell. I’m not trying to become dependant upon them (I have big hands), I just thought I’d still be able to train with minimal wrist strain.

Thanks a lot guys


I think I should’ve been more specific with my question.

My point is, what can I do to help the wrist pain go away so I can return to normal pain-free lifting?

You can that have experience with this what did you do to make the wrist pain subside? Any exercises, massage etc. I should be doing? Ice? I haven’t ice it yet. I’m not sure if that’ll be smart.
