Wrist Pains

Lately (and by lately, im talking a full year) i have been getting some very nagging, very restricting wrist pains.

The attached picture with the green circle is where i have been getting the most problems. also, that “ball” on both wrists is actually quite large, if that has anything to do with it. i get thes pain, most noticably when i do EZ bar, as well as straight bar curls, almost to the extent i can’t even do the excercise with just the bar.

the second image (which i’ll post next) shows the other side of the hand. this is a different sort of pain, and it happens strictly when i do gorilla presses with the bar, and squats as well (from supporting the bar.) i have experienced no pain whatsoever doing a chest workout.

now, as goes for the symptoms of carpal tunnel. the actual symptoms described on just about every site i could find do not match the pains i am getting whatsoever, with the exception of when i do a good forearm workout. my forearm workout consists of behind the back wrist curls, in which i open my hand just enough to not drop the bar, close a fist, then curl my wrist upwards. i then do front wrist extentions with a bar, with my arms on a bench. by the time i do this (after doing the behind-the-back ones, as well as a bicep workout) i can barely even hold on to the bar long enough to finish 10 reps. i can’t barely make a fist and squeeze to the point where it hurts, and also hurts to stretch. is this normal for a forearm workout (with a massive punp, might i add). usually later on that night the symptoms are basically gone once the punp goes, however i can still feel it. the next day im fine as regards to those feelings, however the other pains i described unfortunately are not.

i can do most excercises, without having enough pain to have to stop. some i don’t feel at all, some my wrists hurt a little (on the ulna side of my arm). i have no idea how all of this started, it is pretty fuzzy, being a year ago and all. there was no one big injury that happened to cause it, however; i do rememer my right wrist hurting a little earlier than my left, but my left eventually caught up to it. if you question the form, no, that isnt it. my form isnt the issue, not when it comes to barbell curls anyway. my forearms arent weak (in proportion to the rest of my body). i deadlift 350 without any aid, or any diffuculty whatsoever holding the bar. on one of those “squeeze” or grip machines, one arm i squeezed 60kg.

i am 16 years old, been working out for about a year and 4 months. guys, this is a really nagging problem. i really need your guy’s help on this one, hope to hear from somebody soon!

this is the section of my wrist i described in the second paragraph about pains