Alright, so I’ve been doing olifts at an olympic lifting club for a few months now.
Pretty early on my wrists started hurting on most overhead lifts, not so much on frontsquats and cleans.
My lifting coach got me using wrist wraps and says its pretty normal and okey for lifters to use wraps for all lifts, saying that its pretty normal for olympic lifting.
I guess my question is, is he right? Should I not worry about using wrist wraps for all lifts except maybe warmups? Will this just even out over time on its own?
[quote]GCNo.54 wrote:
Have you never used a hook grip?[/quote]
What relevance has that with anything overhead? I assume you’re confusing straps with wraps.
To the OP… wish I could help you but I honestly don’t know. My thoughts would be this;
If you’re usinog the same wraps, and the same tightness, and you go from pressing 100lb to 200lb then your unwrapped wrist strength will have increased. It’s not the fasted way of getting there but I think you probably will get stronger wrists outta in it the very long term.
[quote]Hanley wrote:
GCNo.54 wrote:
Have you never used a hook grip?
What relevance has that with anything overhead? I assume you’re confusing straps with wraps.
I think you’re confusing a hook grip (thumb under index and middle fingers)
w/ a lifting strap/hook.
To the OP,
when i started my wrists would hurt during the lifts and then sometimes they were sore into the next day. my oly coach recomended stretches for my wrists before and after and they definately helped and then i just waited for my wrist strength to catch up, it eventually did after about 1 1/2-2 months. in my opinion, wraps help only to a certain point and it takes longer for your wrist strength to come on par with your lift strength.