I recently added more biceps work in the form of reverse and regular curls. Ever since though my wrists have been killing me when I extend or flex them. Is there anything to combat this I warmed them up a little with some light forearm work which seemed to help but the pain eventually came back. Thanks.
Are you extending your wrists when curling - try and keep them still. I made this mistake when young(er).
Try resting them for now. Do what does not hurt, consider getting a PT, RICE obviously.
You doing dumbbell curls or barbell curls? Barbell curls used to destroy my wrists, just had to avoid them for a long time.
Use the EZ bar until the small muscles and ligaments/tendons get used to the extra work. Squeeze the bar harder as well.
You can do SMR work on your forarms with a stick or golfball. Hours of fun
The EZ bar worked really well thanks.
Same thing happens to me with Barbell curls. After the set my wrists kill me. Doesn’t happen with DBs or EZ bar.
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
Use the EZ bar until the small muscles and ligaments/tendons get used to the extra work. Squeeze the bar harder as well. [/quote]
I was going to say the same thing. I’ve had the same prob and this worked for me