Wow: Is This Mag For REAL?

I’ve sort of gotten like Bodz. He mentioned once (and I’m paraphrasing, big guy!) that one of the things he looked foward to was opening the Friday addition of “Testosterone”. I guess many of us have gotten that way, but this week solidified it for me. If anyone read JUST THIS ISSUE (and this is no over-exaggeration), and followed all the recommended links, they would 1) Be furthur ahead in reaching their goals than 99% of the people in the gym and 2)they would learn the following: 1) Push it guys, but don’t be stupid. You only have one body. 2) DO YOUR CARDIO, STUPID! Not gaining? EAT! GAINING TOO MUCH FAT! Don’t eat as much!DUH…WHAT SHOULD I EAT? I’ll show you! DUH…THAT WON’T WORK FOR ME!..How do you know? Try it. Then adjust. 3) There are a LOT of top level competitors (and others!)who are literally playing with death. (I recognized most of them in the “Dead Pool”, especially one that I thought really “had it together.” For what, and at what cost? (Another warning for all of us). To cut this short, top of the line, up to date, cutting edge information right at the click of a mouse. Don’t let the Editor’s and Contributors of “Testosterone” sometimes rowdy and “irreverent” nature fool you. These guys know their stuff and are willing to share it. In my book, there is no-one in the bodybuiding and fitness game that EVEN COMES CLOSE. (And no…I don’t want a free T-Shirt; I already have one…and Chris…if my little “touchy/feely/sucky” moment sucked a little testosterone outta’ 'ya, big guy,… sorry!..) Your thoughts.

Mufasa - I’m with ya bud, T-Mag rulz hands down! I’d post a big long message like yours, but I have to go spend time honouring my T-Shrine…

Okay TC, we all know that’s really you. But yeah, it’s a good mag.

Yes, I think this issue (155) totally rocked because every single article was top of the line. I was especially happy to see Ian King’s Bring on the Pain series continuing for upper body. Awesome!

Yeah, it was a great edition. Even TC had a Bill Phillips type flair, but testosterone style. I liked it. Well, guys, I may be offline for a while. Got too many projects cooking right now. CYA