Would You Try This?

lat pulldowns
220lbs 1 x 8

right into…

315lbs 1 x 3

repeat for five sets

thats a whole workout for me

looks pretty soft on paper, but it’s a different story when tried.

anyone else got some sick shit i can try?

actually right now im doing something like…

225lbs 5 x 5

1 minute heavy bag rounds inbetween sets. punches and kicks.


“sick shit” maybe not, but one of the hardest programs ever… yes.


The first lift in the second training session of the day is:

A) Snatch Deadlift on platform, 10 x 6, 5010 tempo

Even with 3min rest between sets bt #7 the urge to vommit is in full effect.

maybe lat pulldowns into snatch deadlifts would be a better back stimulator.

hey i have an idea, it sounds strange i know, but has anyone ever tried a snatch grip rack pull? wouldn’t this really help the lats more than conventional? you could keep the weight as heavy as a normal off the floor conventional deadlift, but get the upper back and shoulder girdle worked very hard, you would most likely need straps/chalk and hook grip.

a hook grip on snatch deads huh. interesting.

I didn’t realize it was that out of the ordinary. This is what i was taught in Oly lifting.

Hook grip, chalk your hands and chalk up your thumb really good. you might even have to wrap it in tape.

I use hook grip all the time, it works great on barbell rows

omg hook grip on rows too??? :0

Whats all this supposed to achieve, just curious? You just want to do some crazy shit for the sake of doing crazy shit or are you trying to achieve hypertrophy?

IF you just want to do crazy shit, do snatch grip deadlifts from a deficit to failure, then ask your training partners to remove enough plates so you can hang snatch the weight (overhead) without letting go of the bar. Once youve done that do overhead lunges to failure and then dance the macarena without missing a step (with the bar overhead).

If youre trying to achieve some hypertrophy, put on size and lean out (as this is a BODYBUILDING forum) then try doing some crazy shot that actually works, that allows you to progress consistently and add mass.

[quote]UkpairehMombooto wrote:
If youre trying to achieve some hypertrophy, put on size and lean out (as this is a BODYBUILDING forum) then try doing some crazy shot that actually works, that allows you to progress consistently and add mass.[/quote]

Damn, beat me to it!

Great post.

Well something Ive enjoyed doing in the past that got my weighted dips moving like nothing else was doing 10x1 Monday with Friday with heavy weight (probably 90/92.5% of 1 RM) and decreasing the rest every day by 10 seconds. Once I got down to 10 seconds between reps, add 2.5-5lbs and start over again.

Hardcore? Dunno about that, but as far as results go, when I used that approach it jacked my strength up like nothing else Ive done before.

[quote]UkpairehMombooto wrote:
Whats all this supposed to achieve, just curious? You just want to do some crazy shit for the sake of doing crazy shit or are you trying to achieve hypertrophy?

IF you just want to do crazy shit, do snatch grip deadlifts from a deficit to failure, then ask your training partners to remove enough plates so you can hang snatch the weight (overhead) without letting go of the bar. Once youve done that do overhead lunges to failure and then dance the macarena without missing a step (with the bar overhead).

If youre trying to achieve some hypertrophy, put on size and lean out (as this is a BODYBUILDING forum) then try doing some crazy shot that actually works, that allows you to progress consistently and add mass.[/quote]

i thoroughly apologize for the inconvenience.
and yes, im doing crazy, unproven, experimental shit for the sake of entertainment and curiosity. figured it’d be more interesting than the usual questions and discussions we have here. i hope i didn’t make you blow a load over this.

[quote]BigKDawg wrote:
Well something Ive enjoyed doing in the past that got my weighted dips moving like nothing else was doing 10x1 Monday with Friday with heavy weight (probably 90/92.5% of 1 RM) and decreasing the rest every day by 10 seconds. Once I got down to 10 seconds between reps, add 2.5-5lbs and start over again.

Hardcore? Dunno about that, but as far as results go, when I used that approach it jacked my strength up like nothing else Ive done before.[/quote]

i think thats some crazy shit that’s crazy enough to work. id prob do at least three though cuz dips feel incomplete with only one… unless its a PR attempt.

[quote]ZeusNathan wrote:
BigKDawg wrote:
Well something Ive enjoyed doing in the past that got my weighted dips moving like nothing else was doing 10x1 Monday with Friday with heavy weight (probably 90/92.5% of 1 RM) and decreasing the rest every day by 10 seconds. Once I got down to 10 seconds between reps, add 2.5-5lbs and start over again.

Hardcore? Dunno about that, but as far as results go, when I used that approach it jacked my strength up like nothing else Ive done before.

i think thats some crazy shit that’s crazy enough to work. id prob do at least three though cuz dips feel incomplete with only one… unless its a PR attempt.[/quote]

The reason I do/did it that way is you can put your full focus and concentration into that 1 rep for the prescribed time periods. Combine that with the high frequency and as you progressively work your way down with the rest periods, high amounts of work density (doing high % singles with only 10-15 seconds between each rep will get your arms growing and your strength jacked). And according to the Law of Repeated Efforts (Poloquin Principle #22, sorry I just had to throw that in their) your body will really get used to that weight and since you arent always increasing the load every workout, will make it easier to utilize for much longer periods of time without plateuing.

[quote]derek wrote:
UkpairehMombooto wrote:
If youre trying to achieve some hypertrophy, put on size and lean out (as this is a BODYBUILDING forum) then try doing some crazy shot that actually works, that allows you to progress consistently and add mass.

Damn, beat me to it!

Great post.

From personal experience, I used to get the urge to do a “crazy” workout when my progression had stalled and I didn’t want to admit it and make a sensible adjustment.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s too bad to try some ‘different’ stuff every once in a while. Not only can oly and other strange compound lifts help with hypertrophy, but they’re obviously great for strength if you’re willing to put in the time and effort to really LEARN the lift before you try to go big in weight.

[quote]UkpairehMombooto wrote:
Whats all this supposed to achieve, just curious? You just want to do some crazy shit for the sake of doing crazy shit or are you trying to achieve hypertrophy?

IF you just want to do crazy shit, do snatch grip deadlifts from a deficit to failure, then ask your training partners to remove enough plates so you can hang snatch the weight (overhead) without letting go of the bar. Once youve done that do overhead lunges to failure and then dance the macarena without missing a step (with the bar overhead).

If youre trying to achieve some hypertrophy, put on size and lean out (as this is a BODYBUILDING forum) then try doing some crazy shot that actually works, that allows you to progress consistently and add mass.[/quote]

Your posts always seem to be quality. Unlike this one (my post).

Maybe there needs to be yet another forum catagory like “I’m Bored, Look At What I Can Do!”.

“Get A Life” was already taken.

[quote]derek wrote:
Maybe there needs to be yet another forum catagory like “I’m Bored, Look At What I Can Do!”.


I could see that getting real disgusting real fast.

Workout 1
A. High Rack Pulls, 10 sets of 5 reps with 10-15 seconds rest between each rep

Workout 2
A. Back Squats, 10 sets of 5 eccentric reps using your 140% RM with 2 spotters with 10-15 seconds rest between reps

Workout 3
A. Bench Press, 10 sets of 5 eccentric reps using your 140% RM with 2 spotters with 10-15 seconds rest between reps

Workout 4
A. Pullups, 10 sets of 5 eccentric reps using your 140% RM with 2 spotters with 10-15 seconds rest between reps

Workout 5
A. Snatch Grip Deadlifts on Platform, do as many reps as you can in 1 hour using your 5RM

Workout 6
A. Back Squats, do as many reps as you can in 1 hour using your 5RM

Workout 7
A. Bench Press, do as many reps as you can in 1 hour using your 5RM

Workout 8
A. Pullups, do as many reps as you can in 1 hour using your 5RM

Workout 9
A. Deadlift, 10 sets, maximal isometric hold for 1 minute at the lockout position (use straps and hold as much weight as you can for 1 minute)

Workout 10
A. Back Squat, 10 sets, maximal isometric hold for 1 minute at the near lockout position (approx. 200% of your 1 RM)

Workout 11
A. Bench Press, 10 sets, maximal isometric hold for 1 minute at the near lockout position (approx. 200% of your 1 RM)

Workout 12
A. Pullup, 10 sets, maximal isometric hold for 1 minute at the top position

Workout 13
A. Deadlift, 5 drop sets, in one set do 5 “mini sets” starting with your 8RM and do 8 reps per mini set

Workout 14
A. Back Squat, 5 drop sets, in one set do 5 “mini sets” starting with your 8RM and do 8 reps per mini set

Workout 15
A. Bench Press, 5 drop sets, in one set do 5 “mini sets” starting with your 8RM and do 8 reps per mini set

Workout 16
A. Pullups, 5 drop sets, in one set do 5 “mini sets” starting with your 8RM and do 8 reps per mini set

Workout 17
10 sets
A1. Power Clean using 5RM, no rest to A2
A2. Squat Clean to failure, no rest to A3
A3. Deadlift to failure, no rest to A4
A4. Partial deadlifts to failure

Workout 18
10 sets
A1. Back Squat using 5RM, no rest to A2
A2. Partial Back Squat to failure, no rest to A3
A2. BW Jump Squat to failure, no rest to A3
A3. BW Squat to failure, no rest to A4
A4. Partial BW Squat to failure

Workout 19
10 sets
A1. Bench Press using 5RM, no rest to A2
A2. Partial Bench Press to failure, no rest to A3
A3. BW Dips to failure, no rest to A4
A4. Partial BW Dips to failure, no rest to A5
A5. Plyometric Pushups to failure, no rest to A6
A6. Regular pushups to failure, no rest to A7
A7. Partial pushups to failure

Workout 20
10 sets
A1. Pullups using 5RM, no rest to A2
A2. Partial Pullups to failure, no rest to A3
A3. Jumping BW Pullups to failure, no rest to A4
A4. Regular pullups to failure, no rest to A5
A5. Partial BW Pullups to failure

here you go

I’d do workouts 1-10 on Monday, it’d take me about 45 minutes. Then workouts 11-20 on Tuesday maybe 50-60 minutes, take Wednesday off then repeat on Thursday and Friday.

Anything else?

And what is that exactly? Is that bodybuilding?

All I know is that it was way too much work just typing something that no one here is actually going to do.