No, I’m not contemplating murder (at least not this week). But I’m curious. Under what circumstances would you, personally, with a gun, a knife, a club, or with your bare hands, end the life of another human being?
Would you do it for money? For love? For revenge? For a political ideal? For religion? In self-defence? For fun? Or never?
“Everyone I’ve killed was someone’s father… someone’s son…someone’s brother.”
Yes, but it would completely depend on the situation and the person, and my ability to either get away with it one way or another.
I think there are many people out there who don’t deserve life. I know, who am I to take it, right? Well, I think we save people too often, and we are ruining Earth because of it.
We don’t have that same sense of survival of the fittest as other animals do, and I think that will lead to our downfall as one of the shortest lived beings on Earth, besides the ones we already destroy before we’re gone.