[quote]Cortes wrote:
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
So under what circumstances do you think killing is not evil and why Cortes or anyone?[/quote]
That’s a biiiiig question, probably one that deserves its own thread, but I’ll try and put it as succinctly as I can summarize:
What you said.
Heheh. When there is a clear and present danger to one’s life or to the life of others.
When killing or not killing a man are the only two alternatives, with the former resulting in the saving of a greater number of innocent lives overall. In other words, when the greater good demands it.
Thing is, this is the part where most people get tripped up. That “greater good” is a slippery little critter, and needs to be defined VERY clearly and nailed down well before any justifications are made.
As you can see in the case of abortion, we have what should be a question that applies only to the extremely narrow sliver of the total cases in which the life of the mother is directly and unquestionable threatened, to, uhh, this kid’s life is gonna suck anyway, so, you know, I’m doing it and society a favor.
It’s like Mother Theresa with a glass suction tube. [/quote]
Per Cortes’s suggestion, I thought I would make a thread about this.
As an introduction, I’ll give some examples. There’s some Buddhists who think killing a fly is evil and will never willingly commit the act and then there’s some who think people should receive capital punishment for some non-murder crimes.
The quote above is from the abortion thread, but before I derailed the thread, I figured I’d make one of my own.