Worse than curls in the squat rack!

How about a dumb ass who wears a belt to do hyperextensions and has about 1/10 of rom and screams like someone’s tearing his spine out of his pudgy bod?

Dare to be different

geez i would buy a barbell for my gym if they didnt have one.

Swedish girl does crunches on Deadlift platform. O’Shea needs platform for deads. O’Shea asks politely if he could use the platform. Swedish girl gets angry (but gets out of the fucking way) and petulantly asks “can I do it here” She was in the squat rack. Fuuuuuck!!!

If we’re not careful, someone’s going to read these threads half-assed and start doing all these things. “Well I read it in T-mag so it must be a new idea.”

You want to sit on the guys face who’s doing crunches in the rack, and he’s the fag? Considering 95% percent of your posts use the word fag or homo, don’t you think it’s time you came out of the closet?

I had a similar experience last week. While I was doing heavy deadlifts, a trainer came over with her client and asked if they could use the rail right next to me for stretching. (The area is supposed to be reserved for PL and OL.) How clueless can she be? Like there’s no other place in the entire gym to stretch!

Highly unrelated, but as to Jeff’s post about surge- I work out at quite a few different gyms, and have told about a dozen people that my during-workout surge is goat’s milk. Almost all of them have believed me, as soon as I can see they take the bait, I let them know how anabolic goats hormones are. If I was ever at the same gym consistently I’d probably see people sprinting to the bathroom mid-workout to purge that nasty shit.

I never notice anybody doing stupid things in the gym. Would you like to know why? Because I conentrate on my own workout. Maybe some of you should do the same and quit bitching about this stuff like you are the almighty Gods of Iron.

I must be lucky this time as it was Squat day but once again the heavy lifting equipment was being taken up. This time it is the bench. A young girl was doing a composite Fly/Pullover exercise…on the f@#king PL Bench. Later on another woman used it for flys. Oh well, at least they didn’t ask if they could use the bar for stretches hey she-ra :). Ill have to get some Rugby girls in to up the intensity.

Marc, people constantly ask me why I’m drinking milk during a workout…I usually tell them what Surge is, but I think I’m gonna start going with the goat’s milk explanation instead…friggin hilarious.

Hey pda, how’s that goat’s milk working out for you?

guru to pda
let me know how my ball sweat is, as i stand over you do a set of squats while you train abs. oh, i forgot , you won’t even know i’m there

I used to work out at a Gym where one guy used to scream so loud each time he did a rep of any execise or any wieght that the rest of us started macking him. Each time he worked out we broke in to the chorus of screams and moans. You would think this would make him stop, but this guy just kept doing it. Maybe he was deaf, I never found out, we just called him “The Screamer” I wander what happened to him?

There’s this guy…wait, he’s just a boy, maybe 17 or 18 and he likes to copycat every lift that certain people are doing (particularly if you happen to be pushing a lot of weight with legitimately good form.) Once you’re all done and you’ve unloaded all the weight, he’ll go over, load the bar with whatever he THINKS he can do (as close to what you were doing) and push out half reps…you know, the four inch squat, the bench press maneuver where he only goes down 2 or three inches from lockout. We’ve gotten so used to seeing him do this shit we’ve aptly named him Half-reps (and though we’ve suggested that he drop his weight to something reasonable, he either doesn’t listen or speaks a different language.)

Ok - I have to rant too. There’s a guy - maybe 19 years old who comes in and stinks the entire heavy weight room up like smoke. I swear he must chain smoke a pack ouside the door and then come in to workout. He starts off wearing 5 shirts to make himself look big. Then he sets up the flat bench - the fly machine - drags out two sets of dumbells and continues to do chest every workout using as much equipment as possible. As the workout continues he takes one shirt off after the other until he’s standing in front of the mirror flexing and getting himself pumped up - yelling and screaming and stomping around the gym like he’s king fucking kong. I dont know what to say to this guy! If he’s using dumbells or equipment I want to use I just go take it or start using it but he just avoids me. Fucking guy.

Good going Big Chief! I laughed so hard at your story I spilled my shake and had to lick it off my desk.

I remember the time I saw a guy in the leg press machine doing shoulder pushes! He was a small guy (obviously) and standing on the pad where you sit down, then pushing against the leg press pad to raise the weight. Ugh, I can just imagine the unnatural pressure on his shoulders…

Hey, this doesn’t have to do with the original post but about what people ask you when you drink surge. What do you tell them that it is? I drink mine at the gym no one really talks to me there but when I drink it while playing hockey I get all kinds of shit, all I tell them is “if I told you, you wouldn’t know what I was talking about.” or that it is just semen in a bottle.

How about a guy doing standing curls…but standing on a flat bench. Did not ask, don’t want to know why. An old friend of mine broke both his ankles in a leg press b/c he never used one before and forgot how to lock the machine when done. Horrible but funny.