So a few months back I decided I’d give deadlifting a shot, since a lot of people I know, athletes and health-aholics, all seemed to say it was a very beneficial exercise.
Well about a week in I started having back pains and had to stop. It took about two weeks with the help of prescribed painkillers to make the lower back pain go away.
after my back had healed, I tried to just try lifting the bar, with no weight, to get my form correctly. I got advice from people on keeping my back straight and all, but I just always found myself either holding the bar too close and brushing my knees, or holding it too far and stressing my back.
I then figured that if I couldn’t get the form right, it wasn’t worth trying again. That was about three months ago.
I do want to give it a shot again, I just have this built up worry that I’ll hurt my back again.
Any tips you guys can give would be great.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a great day.