I’m going on vacation and won’t have a gym. Before the self-righteous jump me, I USED THE SEARCH FUNCTION, but w/o knowing which words to use, I couldn’t find a simple workout to keep me fit.
Does anyone know if a workout like this has been posted.
bring along some milk jugs (empty of course). when you get to where you’re going fill them up with water or sand (if you’re on a beach). that along with pushups, pullups, etc. you should be alright.
There is an Ian King article about this and also Combat Conditioning by Mike Mahler. Search the Previous Issues.
Do a search for “Death by Bodyweight” by Ian King.
Combat Conditioning- definitely recommend it.
You might try searching on “vacation” or some sort of thing like that. There was a thread on this maybe a week or so ago.
Handstand pushups. Buddy exercises (I think I made a reference to a Lee Haney site that hase some buddy exercises). Also look for “prison training” (due to some restrictions on weights in prisons, many inmates have had to get creative in their workouts).
Do you have a girlfriend or wife? If so, there’s the cardio element for your vacation.