Alright guys/girls, lets hear them. Your toughest workout that you’ve ever endured. Injury stories are welcome too.
I guess ill start:
-7 sets leg extensions
-4 sets squats
-4 sets front squats
-3 sets of leg press with the last being a strip 7 each side, 6 each side, etc.
-Wall sits to finish it off
-ing idiot dropped a .50cal M2 machine gun on my foot & fractured a bone. Put me on crutches. 1 week later, did a 22mile forced march with a 40lb ruck. Suck? I’ve never ached so much in my LIFE!
[quote]dennis3k wrote:
once dropped a 35 pound plate on my toe(blew the nail right off)
I think the older ladies on the treadmill learned a few new words that day[/quote]
Damn man, that makes me hurt just thinking about it, how long did it take to grow back?
I remember when I was knew to weightlifting and I would try to lift heavy weight my nervous system could not handle nor did I have any sort of technique. I was squatting 250lbs and one of my legs gave out or didn’t fire and flex the same as my right leg this caused the weight to lean to the left and BAM it and I feel somehow I subconciously moved even though I was taken down with it to avoid injury.
There was no spotter and just a barbell holder not connected in any way and inside my shitty basement.
No injury and a good lesson, teens (at that time) need a punch in the face in order to learn a damn thing.
This is why when I hear the guys telling newbies to first master weight they can handle first before trying to be Billy Badass wannabe powerlifters, I agree.
I also did jumping squts with a barbell and weight on my back (not sure why I did this) and was such an idiot jumped up, and the bar came down and hit me on my top spine bones behind the neck, ouch.
during a squat max (230kg) I lose my focus looking at a gorgeous blond girl (the girl of my cousin…) i lift the weight, she take off her shirt (she only as her sport bra over her BIG boobs…) and I didn’t get tight… so i collabse to the floor…
no real damage other than my Ego…
during a drop set on bench press (close grip) my spotter don’t take the barebell when i need help… so I parked 100kg on my chest…
during a squat max (230kg) I lose my focus looking at a gorgeous blond girl (the girl of my cousin…) i lift the weight, she take off her shirt (she only as her sport bra over her BIG boobs…) and I didn’t get tight… so i collabse to the floor…
no real damage other than my Ego…
during a drop set on bench press (close grip) my spotter don’t take the barebell when i need help… so I parked 100kg on my chest…
When we were training for a fight, we used to fight each guy for 3 minute rounds one after the other. That means you’re fighting a fresh guy every 3 minutes while you’re getting more and more tired each time. The most I ever made it through was 8. By the end, all I could do was really just stand there and take the punishment, lol. My coach called quits when the new guy was popping me in the face and I didn’t even have the strength to pick up my hands and cover, lol.