After reading a bunch of the training articles on this site, I am not sure what the ideal workout frequency is, for maximum improvement.
Let me first state my number one goal is a powerful/explosive lower body(cycling sprinter). But since I am relatively lean, I need to put on some real muscle.
Chad Waterbury states in one article that you should be training each muscle group 3 to 4 times a week, for the best gains. I have also read that each muscle group should only be trained ONCE a week.
Currently I have been doing lower body work once a week, because that’s how long it takes to recover. Oddly enough, I can recover from upper body workouts in half that time. I think I might be doing too much lower body work, on that day. here’s what it looks like:
1-leg squats, 10x3, 85% 1RM
leg press, 6x3 85% 1RM
deadlift, 5x5 80% 1RM
stiff-leg deadlift, 5x5 80% 1RM
calf raises, 4x6 85% 1RM
After these workouts, my lower body is TRASHED for the following 3 days, and doesn’t fully recover until about 6 days.
I am not listing upper body work, its not concerning my question.
I want to include plyometrics now too.
I will be starting to eat more than before, which was not enough because I wasn’t gaining weight.
Any suggestions on altering my program for better hypertrophy and explosiveness gains?
opinions on workout frequency?