I’ve posted a similar question before regarding my job and diet, however, this one is slightly different. My last question involved whether I should be eating in my break at work, late at night. This one revolves around how I should structure my diet given the long and late night shift.
I’m at the start of a cutting phase and for the first week I’m consuming 13 * my bodyweight in calories, with massive eating meal combos - on a standard day with weight training followed by cardio (as per JB’s suggestions). I’m not altering my calories for non-training days. However, I have to work a 7pm til 3am shift tomorrow (break at 11pm, when I’ll have a meal). As a result of this, I’m thinking that I need to up my caloric intake?! Given I’m about 170 pounds at the moment, I’m taking in 2200 calories at this stage of my diet. Consequently, I think another 400 calorie meal at 11pm during my break would be ideal, to balance out the activity I wouldn’t normally be doing, prevent muscle catabolism, and keep my metabolism up?
This meal would bring my total calories up to 2600, which seems high for a cutting phase based on my personal experiences (although I'm well aware of the benefits of massive eating combos!). Since I want this phase to last four weeks, I don't want to risk slowing my fat loss progress. Hence my confusion.
I’m eating in my break, that’s not my concern or question. It’d be mad not to However, I don’t know what to do about my total caloric needs…