Started working a great paying job but, it is 3rd shift and obviously this has my sleep schedule screwed up which has my eating cycle messed up. Also its a pretty strenuous job I guess I am on my feet for 8 hours walk up to 4-5 miles a night and constantly literally all night long lifting and placing bundles of cardboard from 20-60lbs. I am pretty much in a constant bulk mode. My goal is strength and size could less really how I look just wanna be massive but, this does not mean I am not serious about eating clean.
Just want some more experienced guys with nutrition to give my schedule a glance and see if there is anything to make it more optimal.
10:30pm-7:00am- Work ( can not eat at all until 3:00am )
7:30am-4:00pm- Sleep
4:30pm-10:00pm- Only time to really get in my food.
Basically this is what I am doing
4:30pm- Breakfast- 6 Eggs, Cheese, Greek Yogurt, 1 cup Oatmeal, Fruit
7:00- Dinner with Wife- 12oz of Meat( Ground Beef, Chicken, Pork), 1 cup Pasta, 1 cup Vegetable
10:00- 50g Casien Protein and Fruit before work.
3:00am- Usually same as Dinner or Large bowl of Egg Salad and Whole Grain Bread.
7:00am- 50g Casien or 6 Eggs right before bed.
Also drink a half gallon of 1% milk on off days and 1 full gallon on training days. I drink it all between 4-10pm.