Won My Pro Card

Although I am still keeping up my contest prep thread (I have one more show this season, in 4 weeks and the prep will be detailed as best as I can), I’m sure it’s not interesting to everyone, so I figured I make my little announcement here:

Last Saturday, at the USBF NJ Natural Classic III, I not only won my weight class (Middleweight), but beat the other class winners to secure the Overall Win, and nab myself a Pro Card.

As the pictures from the professional photographer come in, and we get video off of cameras, I’ll put up, or link to everything I can off of the other thread, Just figured I’d share my bit of good fortune with the rest of my T-Muscle family :slight_smile:



Congratulations, Stu! Maybe you could host the pictures on an external site to make it easier to browse them?

Fucking hell man, every time you post I swear the news gets better and better and better. 'Grats.

Congrats! Nice work. =)

Thats a hell of an achievement. You earned it.

Congrats Stu!

Altough I wonder if this is bad news for everyone else - since you got your pro card you will probably get a nice contract with a supplement company and have to stop posting here.

Man, STU’s about to take ovah!!!

Congrats man…

Awesome work.

Congratulations. : )

Wow, thats great! Congrats Stu!


Wow! I am excited for you! Good work!


Great job man, you’ve really worked your ass off. This couldn’t be more deserved.

Congratulations Stu! Keep up the good work!

Incredible effort, Stu!

Future sponsors Biotest and PopTarts?


I hope you are sponsored by Biotest.

'Gratulations, Stu, you deserve it!

great work mate! was it the creatienz?