I’ve just previous weened off of cymbalta due to the drug causing the adverse reaction. Not to mentioned I was told that my withdrawl symptoms was the worse Docs have seen in all there years of practice (30+years). I was put on wellbutrin at 300mg/day with clonazepam twice daily.
Finally feeling back to my self again!!! I was a fitness model before all this happend and slowy starting to get back into it. I lost some good size during my withdrawls, would like to gain back and stay lean and hard to prepare for shoots or jobs again. My question is, would there be any drug interaction while being on wellbutrin/clonazepam and running Test Prop and Winny? Sorry for the long post, any help would be great!
I believe clonazepam is just a muscle relaxer, and let me tell you ALOT of juicers take relaxers to stay calm.
The only thing I noticed about wellbutrin when I was looking at it was the reported sideffect on blood pressure.
Generally it is a REALLY bad plan to mix gear with antidepressants, juice destabilizes you a bit, and if you need drugs as it is, your in dangerous waters.
If you do decide to go prop and winny get your PCT lined up, if your going to crash hard its going to be during the PCT, so make sure its perfect.
Also you will NEED an AI, its required, the last thing you need is your E to build up from the prop and completely screw your head.
Thanks for the reply. I’m thinking now i might just do a 6 weeker with some winny just to stay nice and hard and try to maintain some muscle. I don’t know if its worth the risk, although If I do land some of these giggs lots of $ involved. Do you think cutting out the Prop would eliminate some of the risk with Wellbutrin? Again thanks for your reply.
[quote]phenomerk wrote:
Thanks for the reply. I’m thinking now i might just do a 6 weeker with some winny just to stay nice and hard and try to maintain some muscle. I don’t know if its worth the risk, although If I do land some of these giggs lots of $ involved. Do you think cutting out the Prop would eliminate some of the risk with Wellbutrin? Again thanks for your reply.[/quote]
It depends really.
The prop is what might destabilize you, winny isnt much in terms of aggression at normal doses.
Run with an AI, prop will not have any elevated estrogen effects, which would be the real danger in gear usage in your situation.
Winny only would likely yield minimal gains, but would be somewhat safer as long as the cycle was kept short and moderate.
If you ran winny only for 6 weeks at a high dose, you risk impairing you own production enough that your natural production noticeably drops, leading to low testosterone rates.
So its hard to say.
Personally, I would just go prop and winny for a short cycle, run a good PCT, and just be very careful in general.
I respond very well to test, what is you experience ? I am very calm and happy the whole time Im on cycle, but not all people respond as such.
But thats me, I dont have any antidepressants, so my opinion is a guess at best.
Yeah thats what i’m thinking. I tottally got f***** over from a doctor who should of never prescribed the first med i was on in the first place. Trying to get off that drug, my symptoms were worse than a heroin withdrawl i was told from my doc. I really don’t think i should be on anything but they wanted to put me on something else for precautionary measures. Well the first drug was causing all the problems and doing the adverse effect. Why should i trust any of these meds. I do feel like shit like you said. I find you can’t really be a normal guy when your on them. If the boys want to go out for some beers your always thinking in the back of your head that you shouldn’t be doing that because of anti-deppressants.
Well to me, that would make anyone feel down. Basically i want to get back to my old self, even though i do feel better after what happend to me with the med F*** up, I think i could go without these meds. Sorry to complain, just really frustrating. Did you ween yourself off or did you have help from the Doc?? Thanks for the message
I responded well to Test last cycle. That was a couple of years ago. The only problem for me is acne, which i can’t have at all. But other than that had amazing gains. Ran Test Prop 250ml EOD for 10 weeks as well as Anavar for the first 6, and some NOVA. Didn’t like Var though had some sides with it. All in all, i’m trying to weigh risk vs. benefit. But as you can read in my last post i think i’m going to get off the meds anyways. Thanks for the message!
[quote]phenomerk wrote:
Hey, thanks for the reply. How do i contact the people you mentioned for some info?
Thanks again[/quote]
To contact a member of T-Nation, just do a member search (top right of screen) on the names I mentioned. You can then PM (private message) the individual.
Brook added a comment already. You could ask if he has anything else to add. KSman is very knowledgeable.