Down On Winny

Hey guys, reading through a couple different threads i noticed many who dont like winstrol. i’ve heard about the neg sides, but what i was getting from the posts was that it just wasnt very effective. what are your opinions?

i did get joint pain so i only ran it once. Me and 4 freinds used oral winny. We all thought it had a lot of upsides.
Some roids make me tired…winny didn’t…acually, it was a little stimulatory we all thought.

We gained good, lean muscle, no estrogenic sides are possible and we all thought we got harder.

All but one of us bitched of joint pain.
We used 50-100mg/day orally. It was years ago but it was all we ran at the time. I was impressed by it with it’s ‘physique’ transforming properties.

However, I don’t need joint pain so I never did it again. I opt for masterone/test mostly.

winny can be bad on the joints. I like the stuff though.I have had good results on it. Drink lots of water and take a sup for your joints. Try going for some volume and not heavy weight.


I agree with Bushy. In combination with A-drol, Winny is really good. I used it as a kick start to my summer cycle and was really impressed with the results. Just keep the cycle short. I had next to no joint pain on this combo.


thanks guys, someone (forget who, sorry) mentioned using high volume/low intensity training with winstrol. why?

That would be in the hopes that you’re less likely to injure yourself if you arent’ lifting very heavey and if you’re doing high volume then the intensity (weight you lift) will have to go down.

Hey AR, wouldn’t mind you chiming in on winny and all the sides it produces/if you think its worth using?

If your joints are takeing a beating from the winny,somethings got to give bro.


I am down on it because of the joint pain associated with it and no real benefit in terms of size or strength. It does make the skin thin???..this I assume cause it draws the water out. Why not use Tren which burns fat because of the increased body temp. + get crazy strong.

The Tren downside is that you should not stay on longer than 8 weeks or so because of liver toxicity. I have been on Tren for as long as 12 weeks straight and my liver enzymes never ventured out of the norm. The other bonus is that Tren makes you horny as hell.

What dose did you run the tren?

BTW, not trying to start an arguement but what do you mean no real benefit of size and strength? Everyone I know who’s used it got both, myself included. However, most of them hurt themselves either while on or coming off. I on the other hand just HURT while on it. Eitherway sounds like we both dont’ like it.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
JRR641 wrote:
I am down on it because of the joint pain associated with it and no real benefit in terms of size or strength. It does make the skin thin???..this I assume cause it draws the water out. Why not use Tren which burns fat because of the increased body temp. + get crazy strong.

The Tren downside is that you should not stay on longer than 8 weeks or so because of liver toxicity. I have been on Tren for as long as 12 weeks straight and my liver enzymes never ventured out of the norm. The other bonus is that Tren makes you horny as hell.

I feel there is some misinformation here that needs clearing up. No offence bro…

Firstly - tren does not burn fat due to increased body temp. No steroid increases body temp. Yes tren might cause night sweats in some people, but that has nothing to do with increasing body temp or burning fat.

Secondly - you contradict yourself. “Tren should not be run for longer than 8 weeks”. Yet you also state “I ran it for 12 weeks and my liver values were fine”. So which is it? Toxic, or not toxic…

Thirdly - I have NEVER heard or read any information about tren making anyone “horny as hell”. Thats not to say it doesn’t but you are the only one I’ve heard of who claims this and I want to set the record straight.

Again, no offence intended bro, if you want to discuss any of this, I’m always happy to be proven wrong - it’s a good way to learn…


No offense taken. That is what this forum is about…let me clarify myself:

1–To the 1st question from a previous post…I run the Tren from between 75mg - 100mg / day. I have experimented with 75 and 100mg EOD but do not get the same long term benefit.

2–Tren raises my body temp while on. I normally run a ED temp of 97.4 - 97.8. While on Tren my body temp. is ALWAYS above 98. I have used Tren for the past four years and have always checked my temp. Soon after the 1st injection I start feeling warmer than normal. I sweat within the 1st 2 minutes doing cardio as normally it would take 6-7 minutes to sweat. Yes…always the night sweats as well. If this happens just for me…it is what it is.

3–The general consensus is that Tren should not be run for longer than eight weeks straight due to potential liver toxicity. My point is I HAVE run it for 12 weeks straight with no liver enzyme issues. Does that mean everyone can run it for 12 weeks…no. It may be more harmful to others than it is to me. You may run it for 3 weeks and it may knock your enzyme profile out of standard. I should have explained my point in more detail.

4–The majority of people I know of on Tren get more aggressive with respect to everything in their lives, including the bedroom. I have found that my desire for sex (and rougher sex) is greater while on Tren + Test Vs. Test. + anything else.

[quote]WideGuy wrote:
What dose did you run the tren?

BTW, not trying to start an arguement but what do you mean no real benefit of size and strength? Everyone I know who’s used it got both, myself included. However, most of them hurt themselves either while on or coming off. I on the other hand just HURT while on it. Eitherway sounds like we both dont’ like it.[/quote]

Answered the dose question in the previous post. With respect to the size and strength issue…I meant is that are much better drugs than Winny to get what you are looking for. Yes…you will get stronger…yes you will gain size. Minimal at best Vs. other available anabolics without the joint issues one may incur.

Take our temp in the AM for a week before running Tren and get your set point temp. Then check your temp. a week into the Tren. It would be interesting to see if yours is elevated.

I will and I’ll let you know. BTW, thanks for clearing all that up. ALthough I had a feeling you meant tren in comparison to winny doesn’t equal up, and you’re right it doesn’t. Especially once you subtract the sides. Honestly though, as much as I dislike winstrol it did give me a look that tren never did, if I had to compare the look I’d say masteron comes close/if not is better. Also I agree on the test+tren =Major Woood, however I also thought you where talking about it as a stand alone.

Just wondering do you ever take any preventative measures ie. milk thistle, red yeast rice, niacin, high dose fish oils, NAC, ALA, hawthornberry, or celery seed extract or just whatever to help with the various sides of such a long run on tren? Or any other AAS you use?

[quote]WideGuy wrote:
I will and I’ll let you know. BTW, thanks for clearing all that up. ALthough I had a feeling you meant tren in comparison to winny doesn’t equal up, and you’re right it doesn’t. Especially once you subtract the sides. Honestly though, as much as I dislike winstrol it did give me a look that tren never did, if I had to compare the look I’d say masteron comes close/if not is better. Also I agree on the test+tren =Major Woood, however I also thought you where talking about it as a stand alone.

Just wondering do you ever take any preventative measures ie. milk thistle, red yeast rice, niacin, high dose fish oils, NAC, ALA, hawthornberry, or celery seed extract or just whatever to help with the various sides of such a long run on tren? Or any other AAS you use?[/quote]

The only thing I have ever taken is Milk Thistle. I agree somewhat with Bushy when he questions the liver toxicity issue of Tren. Maybe for some it would be a problem and others not. I have never had sides from any anabolics other than a slide in sex drive and the ability to get an erection for a month or so post cycle without Cialis. Last year I ran Test / Eq for 8 months straight + Tren for 12 weeks and A-Bombs the 2 weeks prior to a meet…and…my liver enzymes were between standard after the cycle. Amazing huh?!

Now, is that a license for guys to stay on for that long…no. I think getting a complete blood profile at least once / year is a must for any user of steroids.

another point on how we are all different. I have two friends I can use as an example. One had his liver enzymes checked after a 4 week cycle of one of Gaspari’s pro-hormones (before it was banned…I forget the name), and his enzymes were out of whack. Another friend cannot even stay on Winny at 50mg / day + 300mg Deca / week without have gyno issues!!!

So as you see, we all react differently to this stuff.

Very true and a good point JR, not to sound like a a fruit loop but I have a feeling yhou’re going to make a nice addition here. Have you posted somewhere else, or just been lurking ? Seems like you have a little bit of experiance under your belt.

What about dissolving the winny tabs? Taking only 50 mg a day and I try to space it out. But what would u think of dissolving the tabs in water then drinking it?