Rebecca: TT, you are a fine person, and a credit to this forum.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
P-DOG: after reading all of the info. do you still not want to build any muscle?
P-DOG after Tampa-Terry was kind enough to take the time to not only answer my question but also took the time to explain it to me which you failed to do. No hard feelings though. The answer to your question is yes I would still like to build muscle.
iamnobody: tryingtogetinshape, why dont you want to put on any muscle (or why didnt you, after the replys)? just curious, im assuming you aren’t that big/strong of a guy from your nick/post… im just real curious why you would think that? height/weight?
Now that I have a better understanding of it I think my attitude has changed. I didn’t realize how important of a role muscle plays when trying to get lean. Now you assume I’m not that big/strong of a guy from my screen name. Well let me say this I have been in great shape all my life I’ve weighed 188lbs of only 9% body fat. Until 1 ? years ago I injured my back severely where it landed me in the hospital and was basically bed bound for 3 months I couldn?t walk without pain shooting down my right leg. I went thru 1 year of rehab, chiropractor, stretches, and painkillers. I never got the surgery because the surgeon had told me that I may come out better, the same, or worse it was not a guaranteed fix.
So I chose to wait it out and go thru 1 year of rehabilitation. I did get 3 different opinions and all 3 suggested I wait it out as long as I could and to prevent the surgery has much as possible. It hurt so bad that I couldn?t dress myself, tie my shoes, bend over to brush my teeth or turn the showerhead on. My wife helped me with everything. It?s kind of sad when your wife has to dress you in the morning. At this point I started to become depressed I went from being a star athlete in high school and college and being in the best shape of my life to not being able to tie my shoes. So my eating habits started to get bad and I mean bad. I ate fast food everyday for lunch and for dinner would go out for a pizza or a restaurant and eat anything I felt like eating at that time. I was really depressed I stayed to myself I didn?t talk to anyone including my wife. I know what everyone is thinking why would I do this to myself?
Well one day I was at home looking at all my trophies and scholarships I have received over the years and just broke down and said it?s over I will never be the same again. I felt terrible I didn?t care about anything anymore everything I had worked for my whole life was taken away from me. So to make a long story over the 1 ? I got myself up to 220lbs I couldn?t believe it how fast it caught up to me. I started having people crack jokes to me saying stuff like wow it looks like your wife is a good cook. They would also say wow what happened you go from being an athlete to being a couch potato. Well that was the last straw. I just finished my rehabilitation January of 2004. I started lifting weights again and hired a personal trainer that specialized in back injuries and have worked very hard to get back in the shape I once was. I?m proud to say I am now down to 194lbs and 12% body fat. I still have a little more ways to go but by July 1, 2004 I should be back to where I once was. So that my friend is how my name came about trying to get in shape.
I still have the back pain and sometimes pain shoots down the leg but nothing like before. That?s why I don?t want to go heavy because it puts stress on my lower back. I also have the type of body where I can pack on muscle very easy I have good genetics as far as that goes. I just wanted to get leaner and not bigger because ultimately it?s healthier for my back to carry less weight around.
By the way guys sorry I didn?t get back to you sooner I was to busy at the gym building muscle. Take care guys.