Alright, so the way I am I love high frequency training, love short workouts and am a PR junkie. I’ve tried regular splits (Chest one day, back another) and could never get into them simply for the fact that it would mean doing 4 or more exercises a day and having to wait a week before I trained a bodypart again. So what I’ve thought of is this:
Push: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Pull: Back Width, Back Thickness, Biceps
Legs: Hamstrings, Quads (I hate training calves lol, can just never get myself to care about them.)
Each bodypart gets one exercise. Current split is:
Push: Decline Dumbbell Press, Dumbbell Press, Floor Press
Pull: Chin Up, Rack Pull, Incline Dumbbell Curl
Legs: Lying Leg Curl, Front Squat
Each exercise is ramped and done for one main set where I try to PR by either reps or weights. The plan is to keep on getting stronger on an exercise until it stalls out–whether that be one month or one year–afterwhich I replace it. So for Decline Dumbbell Press for example, I would replace it with Incline Dumbbell Press, Rack Pulls would be replaced with a row, Inc. Dumb. Curls would be replaced with Preacher Hammers (more Brachialis focused), Leg Curls would be replaced with RDL’s, Front Squats would be replaced with legpress, etc.
So is there any reason this wouldn’t work? For me, this literally is the PERFECT split, as there’s only 3 exercises per session, frequency would be more than 1x a week and the whole system is based around getting stronger for reps. The only problem might be that for example my upper chest would shrink when my chest exercise is declines and my lower chest shrinks when it’s incline. What do you all think?