I started German volume training a month ago. It is primarily a size workout so I did some research to figure out how I could make it more strength oriented. Here is what I came up with and I have made PRs every week for 6 weeks on all my main lifts and I am positive these aren’t beginner gains as I have been training consistently since May of last year. My maxes were around 315,330-350,and 215 for squat dead lift and bench respectively
Weeks 1-4
Traditional GVT, work up to 10x10 at 60%1RM, 70 second rest periods
Week 5
Weeks 6-9
Work up to 10x6 with 75-80% of 1RM, 90 seconds between rest periods
Add one accessory workout to each session that hits necessary groups. The accessory work should be geared more towards endurance (10-15 rep range) between 3-5 sets. For example, for a day which includes cable row and bench press a good accessory workout would be push-up with dumbbell row combo.
Week 10
I have not to the final four weeks, but based on the articles I have read this is my conjecture of what will work. If you have a suggestion for a progression feel free to comment
Weeks 11-14
Work up to as many sets of 4 as possible with 90%RM, 2 minute rest period.
Add another accessory workout
Week 15
Repeat cycle with different exercises and/or more weight on same exercises.
Ate whatever I want, probably 4000kcal a day.
Description of Results:
*Significantly improved recovery time between sets
*Significantly increased muscle size (I wear a 48" suit now!). Got complements on my physique from the suit salesman. He asked if I did powerlifting!!!
*Gained some fat, not sure how much but maybe 10bs worth.
*Body weight went from 220lbs to 240lbs at 5’9" - my goal I set is once I can squat 350lbs for reps I will begin a regiment to lose 30lbs of fat.
*Initially started weeks 6-9 with 75%1RM but after week 7 I increased everything to 80% since I hit my 10 sets of 6. Not sure how much this corresponds to as far as increasing 1RM
*Form improved on all exercises.
*Improved posture