I mean, jesus. Does everyone have to be so rude and angry all the time? Chill out.
[quote]HailMary wrote:
I mean, jesus. Does everyone have to be so rude and angry all the time? Chill out.[/quote]
I wasn’t pissed off until I read this post. Thanks for nothing!
Screw you, buddy!
[quote]nephorm wrote:
Screw you, buddy![/quote]
Back off, four eyes…
[quote]HailMary wrote:
I mean, jesus. Does everyone have to be so rude and angry all the time? Chill out.[/quote]
Grow a penis.
[quote]HailMary wrote:
I mean, jesus. Does everyone have to be so rude and angry all the time? Chill out.[/quote]
Go to hell, asshole!
Fuck yourself.
I mean it.
[quote]HailMary wrote:
I mean, jesus. Does everyone have to be so rude and angry all the time? Chill out.[/quote]
Sexual deprivation.
Phone gossip supplanted by internet.
Need more reasons?
[quote]xb100 wrote:
That’s a pretty funny pic. I rarely ‘LOL’ at most thing I read around here, but that one got me.
because people don’t do there own homework and tell me I am wrong before i have even said anything as per:
Because when you post in an internet forum, no one can stop you! Except the moderators. So that angers us some more.
Go away carebear. It is time for me to go flame newbs and start fights with veteran memberz 4 having biggar mussells than me. In summary, corporate media is a threat to democracy.
Ok, kidding aside, I think that there are just a lot of passionate people on this site, who are passionate about the way they train, and maybe some who get fed up with seeing the same ignorant statements about lifting heavy, bodybuilding, powerlifting, eating too little, eating too much, and so on.
Bodybuilding, weight training, powerlifting, and dieting all have a ton of misconceptions, and false generalizations in the general public, and this is a good place for us to vent about them.
Just blame it on “Roid Rage”. LOL!
[quote]HailMary wrote:
I mean, jesus. Does everyone have to be so rude and angry all the time? Chill out.[/quote]
It’s that time of the month.
I’m trying to deal with my anger issues.
That’s why I always edit posts I’ve just submitted.
I have to learn to tolerate other people’s BS.
[quote]ReklaW wrote:
because people don’t do there own homework and tell me I am wrong before i have even said anything as per:
I don’t understand what the fuck you are talking about.
From the link:
[quote]HailMary wrote:
Please avoid the lame comments about how vegetarianism and body-building don’t coincide. I’ve heard them, and, for the record, you’re wrong.[/quote]
to which you replied:
[quote]Please avoid the lame comments about how you are not a dork. I’ve heard them, and, for the record, you’re wrong. So, that aside, I’d like to say if you don’t want people to tell you that you are wrong, don’t start it by saying they are wrong.
I don’t know what you mean by not doing their (by the way) own homework. Vegetarians CAN be bodybuilders…it’s more difficult, sure, but it’s certainly not unheard of.
She wasn’t saying we are all wrong, in general, just if we believe someone can’t be both vegetarian and bodybuilder.
Simply put, HailMary is right: people who say that vegetarians can’t be bodybuilders are…wrong.
So what the fuck is your point in posting this?
Oh, yeah, and in keeping with the spirit of this thread:
fuck you.