Based solely on his own physique, I guess. But he has zero actual credentials other than “I worked out and I got these results.” No competitive experience letalone success, no formal training in any fitness-related field, no track record of success with clients. Just a bro who built some muscle and decide to start a Youtube channel as a self-appointed expert.
I haven’t watched his stuff either, but a quick scan of his articles show some outright dangerous advice. From his “How to Cure Bulging Discs - Fix Lower Back Pain FOREVER!” (emphasis his):
"Depending on the severity of your back injury, applying these techniques will take you 1-6 months to fully recover.
Although this may appear long for some people, the good news is that once you’re recovered you will never have back pain again.
You’ll be able to compete in any sport you like, lift as heavy as you want, and be able to play with your kids if they ever request you to."
Well, that’s good news. Here I was thinking that chronic back issues sometimes take a year or longer to thoroughly address, and often require permanent changes to training, like avoiding certain problematic exercises. Good thing he came to the rescue. Extra-LOL at “If your kids ever request you to.” This dude is definitely living in his own bubble.
Also from that same article:
“The first method is by getting yourself a pair of ankle weights, and wearing them throughout the entire day.
I personally recommend that you use the 10lb ankle weights, but if you have to use a lighter weight for whatever reason that can work too.”
So, to solve a bulging disc, we drastically increase stress on the hip, knee, and ankle joints? Seems legit.
Further, one of several issues with his “novice routine” is that it’s based around weighted planks, weighted chins, heavy low-rep box squats, heavy preacher curls, and heavy good mornings, among other exercises. None of which are appropriate for beginners.
I’m sure there are other reasons, mostly coming back to the quality of his content, but the long and short of it is that this guy has capitalized on the modern day “Internet fitness expert” trend without earning the right to speak as authoritatively as he does.