I was going to post this on the thread in the beginners forum where some kid is yelling about everyone hating on him because he thinks Ryan Reynolds has a very aesthetic physique and that people shouldnt be hating on him on a bodybuilding website since “not everyone wants to be 250 lbs of useless mass”. I received a reply from the moderator saying my message had not been posted because it was too inflammatory for the beginners forum.
Here is my post:
"Things like this thread piss people off because it shows where T-Nation is headed:
a website where kids suck each others cocks for being 155 lbs instead of 150 and where being 185 means youre pretty much the authority on gaining. A website where kids argue endlessly over whether or not creatine is a steroid, leg extensions build more mass than squats, and exactly how many situps you have to do to get a six pack. a website where being able to see your abs means so much more than being able to see any other muscles on you body.
there has been an influx of new members here and the maority of them have been immigrants from that other site. That is why this is happening, and that is why people get pissed off when new guys post pictures of Ryan Reynolds talking about how “aesthetic” he is. Ryan Reynolds is not aesthetic. Frank Zane, Dave Henry, Stan Mcquay, and Reg Park are aesthetic.
This is a bodybuilding website. What use is it to build something if its not going to be strong?"
I understand TC doesnt want to scare the newbs off and I agree that some of the bullshit that goes on on this website is too much, but at the same time, I feel that fostering a mediocre mindset on this website is going to lead to the sort of stagnant wasteland that bb.com has become.
This is the problem with a lot of whats going on in our culture lately…mediocrity and laziness have consumed us. We want the best results we can get without having to work for them. We want to take a pill before we go to bed to lose weight and get a six pack while we work at our desks. The 170 lbs six pack physique has become our society’s Greek ideal. And well spend all of the money on earth to achieve that ideal, as long as we dont have to actually expend any effort.