[quote]Professor X wrote:
[quote]howie424 wrote:
[quote]Professor X wrote:
[quote]howie424 wrote:
[quote]Professor X wrote:
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
[quote]Professor X wrote:
Let me guess…you do full body workouts?[/quote]
Is this trying to be a knock on the OP or a knock on full body training? Plenty of “full body workouts” include direct arm, delt, and calf work.[/quote]
It was an all out unbridled attack on full body workouts.
I think they suck for bodybuilding purposes overall.
Sue me.[/quote]
Full body exercises build the body quite well. [/quote]
I wasn’t after “quite well”.
I agree…it can build a body “quite well”.
If you want to build the body “fucking huge-wise”…you may want to try something else.[/quote]
So if I want to be as big as you, I must absolutely train with bodybuilding splits? I can’t train full body? It’s not about rep ranges or how much food I eat? [/quote]
I don’t know what you MUST do.
I just know I don’t see many people that big who do this or who did this to gain most of their muscle mass.
And no, it is NOT just about how much you eat and rep ranges.
I train the way I do because it allows me to train certain body parts the way they need to be hit.
My back workout can take an hour and a half. I also don’t see many people with backs bigger who do “full body workouts” primarily to gain most of that size…[/quote]
Okay, I can agree with that.
My back is not as big as yours, but pretty much all of my back size has come from snatching and high pulling with very little bodybuilding type work. For me, it’s been about frequency, volume, intensity, and food intake.