Why do men cheat???

Men cheat becuase new pussy is always more exciting than old pussy.

If you want your man to not cheat, you have to keep him happy, if you are always horny, he might get bothered about you always wanting sex and not doing enough to get him going.

If he has a fetish, and it really is a fetish, he probably takes a bit more to get excited, and new pussy will always do that.

He probably was just bored, that has got to be the number one reason.


Well motherfuckers I think though he did cheat Captain Brandy didn’t even take his word for it when he said he didn’t. She then goes on and gets this little trap set for him to catch him. Shit, you sound like you are wanted him to cheat just to make him feel bad. Thing is he is going to get away with it too. He could pretty much do anything and get away with it. All you guys who said he is a coward and not a real man, real men want pussy. They aren’t married, shit go get some pussy and experience life. At least next time he’ll be sure not to use a condom so Captain Snoop Brandy won’t figure it out. I’m sure I’ll get yelled at for this one, give me your best.

Dump him!! Do not go back with him. He will do it again…Why should you be made to suffer…There are decent people out there, trash the bum and move on.

Men cheat because we think it is funny when we see the look on your faces when you find out!!

Well, one thing’s for sure: Unger will NEVER get a date with Brandy.

I do have to admit I agree with Unger on some points. One being that I have seen way too many guys, who the only reason they pretend to console the girl who was cheated on is that they want a piece from her. I don’t really think other guys will sit there and “listen” just to help her out, I mean come on they want pussy on the rebound. Or they are just pretending to be her friend because she has hot friends and are playing the “I’m a nice guy, see how nice I am role.” Why do you think guys don’t sit around and listen to their friends bitch about being cheated on? Because they can’t get pussy from them, so they get their buddy drunk instead.

You should dump the guy right away and don’t look back. I can speak from experience that once the trust factor is gone, you don’t get it back.

I would also be a little critical of the fact that you “counted” condoms. I think that demonstrated a lack of trust on your part and I would be furious if someone were doing that to me. In this case you caught a coward, however if I weren’t cheating and knew you counted my condoms, I would dump you for lack of faith/trust.

Guys cheat on women who don’t stand up for themselves. Every guy would like to have sex with as many women as they can. If your the type of women who takes lies and BS in relationship the guy knows your a weak person. Who would stay with him even after he gets caught fucking another girl. So the real question should be. WHY WOULDN’T YOUR GUY CHEAT ON YOU?? Hell, your going to do anything; so why not? Besides, having a new girl is exciting.

I’m really sorry that this happened to you…but you can not take him back. I think that “once a cheater” and all that applies. This situation really sucks and I feel for you.

i have got to say that Axy and Michele totally missed the ball. Some men and women may cheat for the same reasons, but for the most part they cheat for entirely different reasons. No they dont cheat cuz they are cowards, a coward would be afraid to cheat or affraid to leave the cheater. Think about it. they dont respect you if they are cheating on you but that doesnt make them a coward, an asshole sure but not a coward. Its like calling the terrorists cowards. they arent. These people can be called malicous and evil, but look up coward in the dicitonary.

Dman - I guess it is all in the definition then. I look at cheaters as cowards for a few reasons.
Most people who cheat seem to want the best of both worlds, a husband may want the wife at home to take care of the kids and house but he’s not happy so goes else where for nookie. That is the easy road, he is too much of a coward to stand up for himself and fix the problem, seek counseling, or just end it and deal with the mess that he has made. A wife may like her husbands income, like the status of having money, but not like him all that much so she cheats. Instead of taking a hit in the wallet and getting out, she decides to be deceitful, and ultimately cowardly. A boyfriend wants to play the field, but can’t stand to not have someone to dote on him when he gets home, so he’s too much of a coward to break it off. See the common thread here? I think cheaters are cowards, anyone who won’t stand up for themself is. We all are cowards sometimes by that defination, but that’s life. Someone who is cheating wants something from both their partner and the person they are cheating with. If they were proud of what they were doing they wouldn’t do it behind closed doors. Yes, there are lots of other factors involved, of course, but I think the root is spinelessness.

as far as why people cheat you have to recognize the inallienable differences in the sexes. Men cheat for power related reasons and women for emotional ones. BTW do you ever really hear of powerful women who cheat on spouses. This alone should tell you something is quite different genetically with sex and men and women. As far as alpha males that cheat, where to start, Bill Clinton, Martin Luther King, JFK…