Why are My Shoulders so Asymmetrical?

My shoulders seem decent but the one just seems much more round. Is there anyway to fix this or does it just take time to build symmetry?
19 6’2 197lbs fasted if that helps at all

Ok, I’ll be the first to bite…lol

First, is this maybe a joke or something? As in, that’s your primary concern when looking at these pics? And I’m not making a joke, but actually being serious, it looks as if your ENTIRE left side is bigger than your right side! Especially your legs! Either you have some serious nerve damage/impingement or [my serious advice] you need to focus on doing A LOT of unilateral exercises ASAP!

I’ll go out on a limb here and guess you’re left handed/left arm, left leg dominant? If not, hell, I have no idea. Second bit of advice, if you are in fact 6’2, you need to put on another 50+ lbs, at a minimum (that is, if your goal is to get “big”). To be truly “big” at that height, you would need to weigh upwards of 285lbs or more. Just my .02

Not an attack/sleight, just honest commentary.

The best symmetry remedy is more muscle everywhere.

But you should observe when doing bilateral movements if your arms take different paths.

BTW, in the pic your left quad looks bigger than your right quad. Is it bigger?

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Lol I see what you are saying it looks like that in the picture I think maybe the angle or something I didn’t even realize that until now. That side is actually bigger my right arm (left in the pic) is bigger.

I think it’s slightly bigger but that’s due to a torn muscle and I’ve been working on getting them even

Another example

Again, the entire left delt/bicep/tricep appear bigger. Focus on as many dumbbell, unilateral movements as possible.

Example: Dumbbell military press, dumbbell side laterals, dumbbell shrugs, dumbbell skullcrushers…etc. etc. you catch my drift.

But you still need to put on size ALL OVER and obviously stick to the cliche but true “meat and potatoes” moves (barbell squats, deadlifts, incline barbell bench, barbell rows, etc.). It will take time but you are young. It is akin to running a marathon…slow and steady, consistency in training, eating, etc. week after week. Nobody goes from a 160lb beanpole to a 240lb beast in a year or two, not even those who stupidly jump on AAS right out of the gate; it’s impossible. Good luck.

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I appreciate the responses and feedback

One last question, when you say unilateral are you saying do one arm at a time or both arms same time with dumbbells? Thanks again

Both arms together, so

Barbell work

Dumbbell work

I had an issue with my right side being a lot smaller after I tore my rotator cuff. I tried to equal them up doing BB work and it never worked even when I focussed on pushing with the right side as people had said online it did nothing.

DB and machine (with two separate weight racks) work was the only thing that worked for me. I’d do a good 6 months without the BB work.

The caveat is add to this though, is that if there is another issue underpinning the problem that wasn’t been solved yet (like a muscle tear or the like) then you need to get that sorted first otherwise 6 months of DB work won’t even touch it.

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From the pictures, it also looks like your right trapezius muscle is tighter, and that shoulder is more internally rotated. Stretching and external rotation exercises might help.

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Do both what @rugby_lifting as well as you can either do both arms (with a dumbbell in each hand) at the same time like in the dumbbell shoulder press (you’re pressing both arms up at the same time but you are working towards making each arm press up the same weight[hopefully]) OR you can do, for example, standing dumbbell curls, curling up one arm at a time. For the leg debacle, you can also do one-legged leg presses, one legged leg extensions, leg curls, etc.

Point is, try and workout with dumbbells using only one side of your body on exercises as opposed to using barbells or machines that don’t allow each arm/leg to push/pull independently. Obviously there are some exercises where doing this is difficult (lat pulldowns, barbell rows-but nowadays there is almost always a dumbbell or machine equivalent which allows you to use just one arm/leg), and you should still do those main and basic movements, but we’re all saying to be sure to incorporate MUCH more unilateral movements e.g. walking lunges, where you step left leg, then right leg, repeat; incline/flat dumbbell bench presses…hopefully you are getting the point.

Try doing this for a few months and IF you are doing this properly, you should be able to perform all of these moves (for the most part-it’s not an exact science and we are ALL either right or left dominant by nature) using the same poundage with each arm/leg. Get after it! Oh, and for god’s sakes, as I said earlier the MAIN thing you should still be focused on is eating a lot, consistently training with the goal of always slowly and steadily increasing either weights used or reps performed, adequate protein and supplement intake, rest, etc. The bigger you get, [usually] differences in size between left/right arms/legs/etc becomes less drastic or apparent.

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Both of my shoulders are really tight I usually stretch them before a push day but maybe some extra stretching can help with that

Thanks for the help!

Could you post a picture just completely relaxed with no flexing, both arms hanging at your side?

It kind of looks like your shoulders sit at differently heights and angles, which could explain why they look different, but It’s tough to see if you have any structural asymmetry because it could just be the posing you are doing, however slight

These are all I have but from the back I don’t think they look asymmetrical looking from the back only from the front from what I see

To my eyes those pictures show a much more even physique, I honestly think it was just the way you were posing/standing in the first few

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The weird thing is I see almost no asymmetry through the mirror which looks like this

Again thats a much better angle I think, the asymmetry is all but gone here to my eye