Shit, I’ve been too busy to post on here for a while, I guess that’s life, but training has been great. I Put on maybe 10 pounds sitting just below 240, my chest and arms have grown alot and my legs have ballooned as well. Chest grew an inch this past month sitting around 48 inches and my arms are 17.5 cold. Eating is like second nature now stuffing my face throughout the day is very common for me. Ive been training at the gym when I can get there and at home when I cant. All in all shit going pretty good.
Question is who else is seeing some major results. I know most people are full of excuseidis and I’ve even found myself that way for a period of time, but when you just keep pushing forward leaving the past in the past and only focusing on what you are going to become training gets much easier.
I compare my training to making a good investment. If you purchase a few stocks you are bound to see ups and downs but as long as you profit it was a succsessful venture. When your training your going to have your ups and downs, your going to have off days some times but if you push past that you’ll be better from it. Get stronger day to day, but I’d feel accomplished as long as I’m bigger and stronger year to year. It takes so much time to get crazy big and I plan on taking it as fast as I can but if I’m not making huge leaps it’s not going to effect me.
Like Arnold said, once you can control your mind you’ll be that much better, and that is so true. This is a huge mental game and strong will power is such a good tool. If I go to lift and have a negative attitude my lifts suffer, my workout collapses, and I’m demoralized, but if you have the attitude of “I’m giving it my best and all I have to give, if I can only lift X weight for X reps then thats all I can lift, I can’t change that now, but next week I’ll try for more,” that’s a successful attitude. No idea why I went on this rant, I just felt it needed to be thrwon out there.
Anyways, whos’ gaining, who’s not and whos’ just plain determined to be the best. I’ll say it first, I want to to be the best, I’m going to be the best.